Discussion for article #225460
Coming from a long line of professors, teachers, librarians and educators on both sides of my family, my only response is:
You dumbshit.
He has no chance against Daines anyway. (Ironically, Schweizter would have walked away with the race).
So much for the Times as a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party.
This was dumb.
But, modernity is a mess about intellectual property. Professors lift liberally from student work. Clerks write opinions that judges sign. Captains of industry sign reports they did not write, and rare is the president or politician that reads his own words in a speech.
Walsh should not have copied text without attribution. But the “original work” rule is one applied selectively, for sure.
This contrary example of the Times’ liberal bias will be quickly forgotten by the self-pitying GOP.
Has anybody checked out if there is a United States Army War College? Usually when someone is cheating, they can tell some real whoopers. Palin’s Immaculate Waterbreaking tale comes to mind.
Don’t be so sure - Montana’s an extra-weird environment. Just the fact that Walsh was capable of copying words and phrases verbatim’s a pretty high standard of academic achievement there.
You’re right that Walsh has been a truly awful candidate, but one of his biggest problems has been overcoming his lack of name recognition – this could help solve that problem!
Also, Walsh’s public statements on “policy” (which really aren’t sufficiently coherent or cohesive to be described without the quote marks) routinely fail the merely western mavericky test and fall well within cranky and stoopid. But again: this is Montana - THIS IS A POSSIBLE PLUS! Schweitzer, now, there’s a maverick, and you properly note that he’d likely be elected - but again, that’s largely due to the combination of name recognition and the near-crankiness of his positions.
There’s a lot of folks, particularly in blue coastal states, inclined to dis Montana as a state full of whackos and frauds - and they’re right! The state has a long, dishonorable history of outright craziness that’s distinguishable from Idaho mainly in terrain; folks familiar with the area call Idaho “Hillbilly Montana” and Montana “Flathead Idaho”.
Anyway, it’s too nutty a state to be calling so early, especially off conventional political analysis tools like polling.
This may be, literally, the first time I’ve heard his name.
If plagiarism is a disqualifying act for a US Senator is it also for POTUS candidates? Just asking for a friend, Senator Paul.
Excuse me. A quarter of his paper was lifted from another source. That’s not plagiarism. It’s grand theft auto. He and Rand Paul must hang out together.
You could qualify as a Montanan!
(Just in this regard, of course; I mean no disrespect. For all I know your use of “literally” isn’t meant so.)
Yeah, what he did was bad. But I wish we’d demand that politicians must write their own speeches too.
And reps–not lobbyists-- must write legislation.
And judges write their own opinions.
I don’t mind demanding it of Walsh, but I’d like to demand it where it matters too.
I was surprised that a Democrat had that seat. I guess he was appointed to the empty seat by a Democratic governor…which also surprises me. The High Plains is apparently not as much GOP Country as Dick Cheney likes to paint the region?
So he forgot a few hundred source citations, and a couple of dozen barrels of quote marks. This is Montana: literacy’s an evolving concept.
Good point. Way too many rich and/or lazy people are in powerful positions where they can’t or won’t do the work they aspired to have.
Not that Justice Scalia would do well to let others write his opinions. His rants are pathetic.
Is Montana the first state to let women vote? I’m still trying to figure out how Democrats appear to control that state. We forget how Democrats have always been the majority through almost all our history.
Maybe…but the DCC is not going to bankrupt itself funding his campaign. We essentially surrendered the seat when Schweitzer turned down the request to run, along with South Dakota and West Virginia.
Which, btw, are the only 3 “battleground” states that republicans hold a lead right now.
So you’re saying, Walsh might be commended by some voters in Montana for pulling this off so long without being caught? That sort of maverick stuff might go over well with those voters who already don’t respect authority? This country is nuts.
There are folks who regard academic cheating as no big deal. “Everybody does it”. I did not do it. Most people I know did not do it.
I think it speaks volumes about a person’s character. Cheat on your thesis, you’ll cheat on your golf score, you’ll cheat on your wife, too.
Do I feel morally superior to these cheatin’ assholes?
Frankly, my dear, yes.