Discussion: NYT Columnist Defends Trump's Comments On Megyn Kelly

Discussion for article #239473

Reading about Trump is one thing. Trump and Rosie O’Donnell in the same article? Trump and Maureen Dowd?

Make the bad man stop.


Aaaah, I was wondering when the Dowd Syndrome would kick in and deliver us a dollop of derp. Right on time…


Oh, no, Mrs. Cleaver. In fact, Wallace and I were just discussing how enjoyable it would be if Theodore accompanied us to the cinema this afternoon. And I must say, that’s a very fetching ensemble you’ve chosen this morning…


this entire issue and the coverage it’s garnered is repulsive. frankly, i think he was getting ready to say blood dripping from her fangs, but stopped … leaving others to fill in the blank.

re trump – watched a doc ‘you’ve been trumped’ over the weekend… about him destroying a unique slice of scotland for one of his golf courses… and the families who dared stand against him. he in turn cut off their access to water and electricity in his efforts to destroy them.


Maureen Dowd disgusts me. Maybe Trump wasn’t talking about Kelly menstruating. But Dowd would never have given Hillary Clinton the benefit of that doubt. She would have piled on with a despicable, angry, snide, sarcastic screed unworthy of even the opinion pages in a reputable publication.


MD doesn’t defend DT by accident. Watch that space.


spaghetti and meatballs, with a side of pulled pork

Exactly. Donald’s Grinch heart-smart lunch summarized MoDo and the press beautifully…


I guess someone has to step into the Judith Miller shoes at the Times. Sycophants get paid well. Dowd will do admirably I’m sure. She’s probably already prepping a story about aluminum tubes and WMDs hidden away in Iran, laying the groundwork for defense of Trump’s nuking of Tehran.


Read Dowd’s whole column at the Times website.

I’ll pass, thanks.


I’m a Democrat, voted twice for Obama and will be voting for Hillary. I think Trump’s a clown. But I actually agreed with Dowd. Never did think he meant it that way.


So mean girls :heart: Trump 2016. Who knew?


And maybe I wasn’t calling Maureen Dowd a retard when I said “Dowd Syndrome”…


What if he bursts into Trumpian analysis of how Carly and Hillary look?

Me thinks Maureen Dowd is feigning way too much bogus concern on the looks or “dowdiness” of female candidates.

Perhaps because, as her own name suggests, she is an easy target for attacks on her own appearance, she still comes off to many of her critics, like myself, as being the first and foremost voracious, catty opinion-maker on women in power today, particularly the kind of superficiality that goes into her views on Hillary Clinton. It goes without saying, but there is value in pointing out her own hypocrisy and meaningless unsolicited tripe, which should automatically disqualify her from commenting at all on this topic. …In other words, she’s hardly one to talk or give advice on how to view women based solely on looks and then try to draw conclusions from those observations, imo.

Perhaps she needs to clean up the tRUMP harrumph to make herself feel better and deny seeing herself as rolling in the mud together on this issue with him or being like two peas in a pod…Well, Good luck with that Maureen. You lost honest appraisal of candidates, especially the female ones, years ago.


Oh, Mo, I prefer redheads, but Kelly will always win the Miss Media trophy.


Wikipedia: Dowd.

Dowdy for short. Vigorous defender of all things Republican. Primary hater of all things Clinton. On a mission from God to destroy all things Clinton. Makes up charges out of thin air. Can be found at the NYC asylum for lunatics.


I guess MoDo has a certain empathy for vindictive narcissists who make snap judgments, nurse grudges, and have been inexplicably successful for decades.


No, he wasn’t talking about Kelly’s period. He was talking about the parentheses surrounding her exclamation point.


I always pass as well. In fact, Krugman is the only columnist at the Times whom I read regularly.

But as for Dowd, Friedman, Douthat–almost never at this point. That’s not on principle or because of some pledge that I’ve made. It’s just that whenever I see a column with one of those names attached I automatically feel a profound sense of indifference.


Of course he was, you peabrain. How people this stupid get to keep writing such BS, for the NY TImes no less, is a national disgrace.