Why does FOX still keep him on the air? Now that the fact of the settlements is out, they should be obligated to fire him.
He’ll be on the air until Rupert Murdoch says he isn’t. If Rupert dies, you may see some changes. His sons, apparently, are not pleased with some of these goings on.
Obligated to fire him, only if you have ethics which we know Fox nor O’Reily have a scintilla of.
When my 90 year old mother was still living she would always tune into O’Reilly. She thought he was funny. !!?!!
Sounds like O’Reilly has the material for his new book, “Serial Sexual Harassment - a How-Not-To Guide.”
Why is it that so often sleaze bags like this move up the corporate ladder? For some time it has been known that he is slippery at best yet he is continuously interviewed and given credence by all sides of the political spectrum.
When will Trump appoint him to a cabinet position?
ETA: The Daily Mail has all the juicy details (tabloids do have a purpose from time to time)
Bill really, really needs to stop smoking loofah.
Greed. They can bring in big$$ selling ads on his show. That and misogyny.
O’Reilly probably wouldn’t settle for Deputy Pussy-Grabber, and the top slot’s already taken.
Who will he get to write that one for him?
…and is this supposed to be surprising? This is just more of the same that O’Reilly and his kind have been “entitled” to as a function of their gender and power. It is common for perverts like this to proclaim values that are not consistent with the nonsense they spew. They seem to think that if they protest against what others say and do they will gain immunization for their own actions.
It appears that they are correct. Someone else pays the fines and they get to keep on playing the virtuous protector of society. Sad
O’Reilly has been a gas bag pig since day one, and his so-called fans vicariously express their gas bag piggishness by watching him. Trump and his supporters are the same.
Disgusting old white male keeps disgusting old whte male on the air. I see a pattern here.
Ummm, ratings. Shep Smith is pretty liberal and they keep him on the air. Ratings. When Glen Beck’s ratings went way down, FOX dumped him. Ratings.
O’Reilly does not use his hands for the grabbing, he’s the loofah guy if I recall from the first lawsuit.
I 4/1 know that O’Reilly has made a heart felt apology and resigned to show his sincerity.
Fun Fact: Fox News fired the CFO at the same time as Ailes. He was none too happy about it. And now …
The former chief financial officer of Fox News Channel, Mark Kranz, is said to have been offered immunity from prosecution by U.S. government attorneys looking into payments by the network and its parent, 21st Century Fox, to women who claimed to be harassed by Roger Ailes, the cable-news outlet’s former chief and leader, according to a report in The Financial Times.
Can you spell “Ruh roh”?