Discussion: NYPD Salutes De Blasio At Wake Ahead Of Officer Liu's Sunday Funeral

Discussion for article #231593

"And this weekend police Commissioner William Bratton sent a memo to all commands urging respect, declaring ‘a hero’s funeral is about grieving, not grievance.’ "

It’s a pity he couldn’t have reminded his officers of this prior to Ramos’ funeral.


NYPD Salutes De Blasio At Wake Ahead Of Officer Liu’s Sunday Funeral

Somebody has been in touch with a PR firm methinks.



He expected the officers to be more respectful of their fallen comrade.


“When it happens here, it happens to us,” Los Angeles Police Department Officer Hannu Tarjamo said of the killings Saturday after the wake. “It doesn’t matter if it happens here, or in L.A., or in Louisiana. It’s an act of savagery that should be condemned by society.”

A noble sentiment. But why is that sentiment so hard for white people to understand when people of color protest against the savagery by police and grand juries against the citizenry that goes uncondemned?


He forgot that Patrick Lynch is an asshole. I don’t blame Bratton for that at all, that was totally Lynch’s doing. He’s a flaming a-hole.


“…It’s an act of savagery that should be condemned by society…”

The same way we condemn strangulation?


I’m not understanding why the media is treating this like a national day of mourning.


A group of officers did turn their backs again today when de Blasio spoke (albeit a smaller number than at the Ramos funeral)

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Which is it, did they turn their back on De Blasio again or not? According to Huffington Post they did, according to TPM they didn’t??

They did it again today - but it was a smaller group of officers and they weren’t in the front lines.

I really don’t watch CNN anymore because of their very low journalistic standards. However, I have been watching the funeral of the NYC policeman - partly as a tribute, partly because I still find immigrant stories meaningful. However, I am so offended. During the current hour, the female host has given a soft-spoken but unmistakable diatribe blaming these murders on the protesters in Ferguson and NYC. She turned every comment from her guests (mostly policemen) back to the same thing - police are always right and any questions or challenges to their behavior is unjustified. She went so far as to repeat the now discredited statements that protestors were chanting “Kill cops.” Is there no accountability for the news media???

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screw the NYPD, bunch of butthurt woosies blaming the wrong people, blame yourselves cause it is your own fault.