Discussion: NYPD Identifies Suspect In New York Blast: Ahmad Khan Rahami

Cue the panic attacks from the Wrong-Wing in 3…2…1…


Just wait until Drumpf makes the “Khan” connection.

Donnie’s never met a conspiracy he didn’t create.


Considering that this guy is a naturalized citizen, I think Trump will be using this to condemn the refugee program.


Maybe, but I think it will be just another typical Donnie “Ban the mooslims from Murika” word salad.


I suppose it’s always possible he could announce that a careful review of the evidence has persuaded him the terrorists do, indeed, prefer him as president and therefore he’s withdrawing from the race.


But I think the likely scenario is his calling for a doubling and tripling of easy, feel-good answers. Extreme easy answers! The first day! Before he’s taken his hand off the whatchamacallit, the Bible!


I wouldn’t be surprised that ISIS may be using more attacks like this to scare people into voting for Drumpf.
Drumpf as POTUS would be the ideal ISIS recruiting tool, a perspective that has been shared by folks in the intelligence field.


I think he will propose suspending all that naturalized citizen stuff. Not real 'murkins anyway


Trump looks forward to terrorist activity because he believes it serves his quest for power. He can’t even disguise his glee.


He’d be the answer to their recruiting prayers. This is well understood. Not just Daesh but every jihadist in the world would be giving thanks if he were, God forbid–well, you know.


I think that Trump and his campaign will offer this as proof that his plan to ban immigrants from “any nation that has been compromised by terrorism” is the correct course of action.


What panic? It is idiots like you and your pathetic party who have been so infected by political correctness that you are incapable of admitting that the VAST MAJORITY of terrorist acts are being committed by MUSLIMS.

As soon as that bomb went off, every single person who has the ability to utilize their rational brain KNEW IT WAS A MUSLIM that was involved. Whether that MUSLIM be from the Middle East, Eastern Europe, homegrown etc…

CUE the well this has nothing to do with ISLAM from the idiot wing in 3…2…1…

I think Kaine had the right response yesterday when he essentially said that we are cornering ISIS in Iraq with the help of our allies and that they may lash out with attacks like these. This is a good opportunity for Clinton to make the connection that our cooperation with Muslim nations is pushing ISIS back, but with that comes certain risks which we will deal with in a professional, vigilant manner with more intelligence sharing, cooperation, and security.


Nice panic attack.


Standard military operating procedure. Fire first, aim second.


That makes some sense. As an actual terrorist attack, a 5K fun run, a fairly quiet residential street in NYC, and some pipe bombs that didn’t do anything is a pretty pathetic attack. But as a low-level effort by ISIS to tip the election, it makes a bit more sense.

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He already did.

It isn’t panic attack it just living in the land of reality. The water is nice, you should jump in sometime.

My 1st thought too, you beat me to it. Even if that is not Isis plan Trump will still behave accordingly.

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I think it’s pretty clear that neither this attack, nor any crime whatsoever, would ever occur in a Trump administration.