Discussion: NY Times Catalogues Literally Everything Trump's Insulted On Twitter So Far

So this is not a US government-backed media conspiracy to make Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte feel like an inadequate underachiever? Okay.


His children must be so proud of him.

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I can see putting a list like that on line, but wasting paper on it?

His children are as dumb and self centered as he is.


I’m still holding on to this as THE TROLL statement of this cycle: “NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small,” the statement said.



Putting them in one place shows, among other things, that his creativity is limited. These insults are strikingly repetitive, apart from the occasional flash of directed (usually racial) animus, like calling Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas. The only one I thought was right on target was the one for Krauthammer – a highly overrated Fox News flunky Iraqi Warmonger. Even so, there is no sting because most are so overlapping from one person to the next they could have been churned out by bots.

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Yes, with 7 billion people in the world, he’s got a ways to go before he’s hurled Twitter insults at the majority of the planet. Directly, that is. Indirectly, I think he’s already there.


And gentlemen and gentlewomen not on this list
Shall think themselves accursed they were not
And hold their professional lives cheap whiles any speaks
That earned a place of honor among Trump’s tweets. .

I wish I could write in iambic pentameter. Apologies to William Shakespeare.


But no insults of Warren Buffett. Interesting.

Funny tweet, although I did not see it on Donnie’s twit list. Should be there.

However, since I was at his twit list, the man has almost 34,000 tweets since 2009. If one assumes it takes 5 min to compose, type, edit, and send a tweet, that is 170,000 min or about half a year of non-stop tweeting per 18 hr day (assume 6 hr for sleep). The man has lost a half year of his life tweeting in the past 6 years.

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Fixed it for you.

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What musgrove said. The bit of idiocy above leaves a black mark on any current or former US service member who supports Trump because they think he would handle defense and the military better than Clinton would.

Aside from musgrove’s excellent points about an attack on Mosul being a secret to nobody (it is Iraq’s second largest city, and Prime Minister al-Abadi has been promising to take it back by the end of 2016), and about the impossibility of hiding the long buildup and placement of huge numbers of material and troops, and about the desirability of letting ISIS fighters to escape before the attack, so the city can be reclaimed without leveling it, Trump is ignoring that this is an Iraqi government action within Iraq.

We are helping to the extent we are allowed, of course, but we don’t control the schedule or the information flow for the operation.

Edited to correct my statement that President Malum was the one promising to recapture Mosul. It was Prime Minister al-Abadi


I’m pretty sure the Scion hotels will be new openings. What I am REALLY looking forward to is all the articles – with photos! – of the four story high Trump logos being ripped off of building from NYC to Dubai. I may OD on schadenfreude. Which is fine.

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In case no one else has seen this, Conway says DT would be willing to do another debate.

I assume DT will be undermining that statement any minute, but otherwise, my response was basically that if he wants a mulligan, he should go back to Scotland.


He made sexual advances to a piece of furniture, and it turned him down.

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Trump skips the “compose” and “edit” steps to save time. “Efficiency. That makes me smart.”



There’s nothing that he or his surrogates can say that will save him from that inevitable butt whipping. It’s coming and if the President has it his way, Trump’s defeat will be historic.


Agreed. An iconic refutation of unsolicited erections…much like the current wave of victims coming forward.

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look on the bright side: he could have berated both Beckham and that kicking net that defeated Beckham during that game. That episode might have been one for the ages.