Discussion: NY Times Catalogues Literally Everything Trump's Insulted On Twitter So Far

Respectfully disagree.

All of the coverage that he’s still getting will be slowly disappearing on the 8th.

Now Fox (up to a point) and Breibart will cover him as some sort of deity, but short of him pulling off an Election day miracle, most outlets will just use their remaining Trump coverage to start up a new series: The destruction of the GOP.


well its what the GOP base wanted.


It’s an oldie but a goody. “Never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel.” - Mark Twain.


In one of the first things Hair Furor said he would do to help America, he said he would sue the 10 women he claims have lied about him. Does that mean the porn star gets a pass? She was the 11th. Orange Julius offered her 10 grand and a ride on his private jet if she’s come to his room. I’m guessing it wasn’t to clean the bathroom and replace the soap.


Those ‘reporters’ can get catagorized in regards to why they are still interested in him. Barring a miracle though, anything Trump will either be examined in a political autopsy by what remains of the GOP or media outlets who are trying to see if that ‘lemon’ has any remaining juice.

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:joy: :joy: :joy:

His catnip to reporters will lose all it’s attractiveness about 5 minutes after he loses the election.

Think back to other elections - where did the losers go? They go home and shut the fuck up for awhile and the media is happy to ignore them and I am willing to bet money the same thing will happen here.

While many say Trump will go down swinging - He is more likely to become a big wet noodle - he just does not have the guts to ‘fight the good fight’ when he knows it is a lost cause and is only going to get worse.

Trump - as a sports fan - would leave at half time if his team was down by a lot
Trump as a player would angle to have the coach take him out of a blow-out because he is too prideful to perform mop-up duty when the game is no longer in doubt… and especially if it looks like he is the cause of the disaster.
Trump - if he was ever an employee would quit long before he could ever be dismissed …

The only thing that will keep Trump energized is if he really believes that he will be able to create a media empire out of the bubbling cauldron of hate that he has stirred up.


Trump hotels also rebranding to cash in on all the love he’s shown to bitches, Mexican rapists retards and darker folks who,live in hell war zones.



Unless my math is terrible, NPR has the current number at thirteen women (and that list includes Ivana and Erin Burnett’s friend) and chances are that list will be getting some more names soon.

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How does this work? I thought his licensing fees came from using his name. Without the name, what reason is there to pay him?


It’s funny how he claims it is a lie that he insulted people immediately after calling people losers.


The New York Times is being completely unfair. They’re quoting me directly. Sad.


Trump is free-falling into the realm of Lester Maddox, Evan Mechum, Sarah Palin, Ross Perot, Alf Landon, the Gabor sisters, the flavors of Kardashians, Anita Bryant, Rick Santorum - and various others individuals who gained notoriety - but serve no purpose.

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This should be totally devastating. But the Trump people totally deny reality.

Not sure when that article went to print, but it seems that the Times missed one.


No wonder the Times is a failure – they didn’t include a graphic showing what time each insulting tweet was posted.

I don’t use Twitter – does the time stamp on a tweet show local time for the tweeter, or does a user have/set one time zone that is used to stamp every tweet, no matter what time zone the user was in for a given tweet?

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My dear sweet baboo Rachael Maddow didn’t make this list?

I want a recount!


True that.

Consider that he’s already involved in two lawsuits with the restaurateurs who bailed on his new D.C. hotel; I suspect that the property itself will end up in some form of bankruptcy sometime next year.

Then there’s the Trump University fraud trial (California edition) beginning on Nov. 28.

Then the rape civil suit in New York which starts Dec. 13.

Then comes the inevitable lawsuit(s) regarding the fraudulent Trump Foundation.

Then comes the Trump University fraud trial (New York edition).

These are just the trials we know about. His brand is so thoroughly trashed (I hope) that it will cause The Trump Organization to implode spectacularly under the weight of so much insurmountable debt. (Fun fact: Developers around the world are now scrambling to extricate themselves from that signature Trump Taint.) And if he takes his kids down with him, all the better.

No, the press is not going to stop covering him anytime soon.

BTW: I wonder what ever happened to the myriad lawsuits surrounding the condos in Baja?

ETA: Oh, and there’s this:

“It is their belief, and my belief, that Trump’s name and brand have no more place on Vancouver’s skyline than his ignorant ideas have in the modern world.”
— from a letter written by Vancouver (B.C.) Mayor Gregor Robertson to the developer of Vancouver Trump Tower.


and of course he is lying again, the attack on Mosul isn’t going poorly, though its a bit to early to say how well its going. Did ISIS not think they were going to retake Mosul the last city it controls in Iraq? You think they wouldn’t notice the 100,000 troops heading to the city which is surrounded by open desert? They knew from the day they took the city that sooner or latter a military force was going to try to take it back. His idea of a surprise attack or not saying what your going to do militarily, just shows his low knowledge of military strategy.

He talks about letting ISIS flee the city before they get there…
Which is part of what the coalition forces want to happen, they want ISIS to flee the city because they much rather fight them somewhere else rather than do street by street fighting in Mosul.