Discussion: NY Post Flubbed Story That Fueled Melania Trump Immigration Questions

And of course the TrumpBots will use this as an example that everything is a conspiracy against Trump.


If it was such a smoking gun, the date on the magazine seems like something that could have been checked easily enough before today. But what do I know, I’m no presidential political journalist (horseracist?).


“I am sorry but I cannot sign photo release papers while I am still illegal person. Please ask again when I return next year to look for husband.”


Was her alibi confirmed by the same French photographer who has no interest in tangling with hyper-litigious Manhattan hillbillies?


There are still lots of questions. Something is going on here.

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Just like the Dan Rather - GW Bush story of his terrible attendance in the Texas Air Guard. Once an error was found in the reporting, all other facts were ignored.

But how does an unknown self-proclaimed “supermodel” miraculously get a H-1B visa a little over a month after her visitor visa? She was a nobody back then.

Melania couldn’t possibly have been in the United States in 1995! She was too busy finishing up her “degree in design and architecture at University in Slovenia” then.


So none of this addresses the allegation that Melanoma worked on a tourist visa. Could it be that a false story was purposely planted by the Trump Organization intentionally to draw down credibility about the whole issue? Will the gormless media now conclude that there is nothing there and back off because they’ve been burned once? If so, I have to say, it’s a clever strategy, and the curious timing of the lawyer’s letter and the debunking of the Post’s story coinciding so closely makes me very suspicious.


My problem with this is that while the “NY Post” is a right wing scandal sheet, one of the worst papers in the nation" Tumpites will claim it was either the NY Times or Washington Post that got the story wrong as evidence of the left wing media out to destroy Trump.

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The central question remains unresolved then, right? Photography shoot was indeed during 1996. And neither Post nor TPM can establish whether shoot was before or after official permission was granted in Oct. 1996 to work in U.S.

Blah blah blah. Least of my worries anyway, despite the obvious hypocrisy of the Donald railing about immigrants.

I just pray that he is not elected. All the bluster, aggression, whining, and self-aggrandizing … I don’t see any redeeming qualities to counterbalance any of it. I’m still just amazed he won the nomination. Doesn’t seem even remotely qualified or suited for the job.

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Meh. Trump hired plenty of other illegals: including illegal models. Focus on that.


From a New Yorker piece entitled The Model American May 2016. She’s a “highly skilled worker”, and who wouldn’t know that.

Melania came to New York to work as a model. Through a quirk in immigration law, models, nearly half of them without high-school diplomas, are admitted on H-1B visas, as highly skilled workers, along with scientists and computer programmers, who are required to show proof of a college degree. “The H-1B program is neither high-skilled nor immigration: these are temporary foreign workers, imported from abroad, for the explicit purpose of substituting for American workers at lower pay,” Trump said, in March, railing against “rampant, widespread H-1B abuse.”

Melania got her green card in 2001 and became a citizen five years later.

Yeah, but the Trump’s will never, EVER sue BFF Rupert Murdoch’s rag.

Now we can get back to the important stuff-that her husband is an egomaniacal lying pig. And he’s overweight, too.


Please show us copies of her stamped visas ans passport to confirm the actual dates of entry into the US and exits. Everything else is conjecture.



ok so now i’m down 5 euro and have an unwanted vintage girly mag enroute from France. Any bids?

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Someone with better understanding of that particular magazine’s production process would be able to answer whether a photo shoot sometime in october/november could make it through editing, layout and production by early/mid december, which is what you would need for a february-date issue to hit subscribers and newsstands on time. Those were not yet the days of full digital.


Sounds like a Trump check finally cleared the bank and the recipient received what was promised.

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Attacking the NY Post for being inaccurate is exactly as pointless as attacking Trump for the same thing. NY Post readers know that the newspaper is full of shit, just as Trump supporters know Trump is full of shit. They will still read the Post and vote for Trump because both of them offer half-naked babes as distractions for the endless dishonesty.