Discussion: NY Man Accidentally Shoots Wife While Demonstrating How To Use Gun

Discussion for article #223691

And everybody learned a valuable lesson about guns. the end.


Love means never having to say you’re sorry.


well… to be fair, the lesson about not pointing at someone unless you intend to shoot them comes later in the training…


He wouldn’t have pointed it at her except he was absent the day they talked about it in the safety class. Pobody’s nerfect, ya know?

Ha ha I’m joking of course. Safety classes are TEERA TYNAR REALLY BAD THINGS BECAUSE FREEDOM.


Is the gun OK?


“A man accidentally shot his wife while demonstrating how to use a handgun”

I thought the purpose of a gun was to shoot people, so this demonstration was a success on some level, no?


And then he moved right along to lesson number two " NRA Lesson #2 Less Common Uses for a Gun, a Compendium of Less Commonly Practiced Possibilities"

Total Time to complete 5 minutes


Leaders in the Ranking of States on TPM with the Most Careless Firearm Incidents

Pennsylvania/Texas (tied) - 8
Florida - 7
South Carolina - 6
Arizona/ Indiana (tied) - 4
Alabama/ California/ Georgia/ Michigan/ New York/ Ohio/ Tennessee (tied) - 3

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And this is what one doesn’t want to do,BANG!!!

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Oh noes!!! Let’s reduce the magazines capacity once more now.

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Another PRGO.

Previously responsible gun owner

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So, was it good for her too?

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50x more likely to die of gunshot if you own a gun, than not.

This is one of the 50x.

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Well, stupid, that’s a different issue. That comes from us knowing that most of the mass shooters that the NRA likes to promote (I’m thinking NRA trading cards for the mass murderers they arm and equip) sponsorship deals, and so on.

At any rate, most mass shooters are stopped when they run out of ammo. So people who would like to live have suggested that if you are not a mass shooter (and I guess you must want to be one) you could probably accept having just fewer bullets in your gun.

But I guess if you are planning a mass murderer (listening to Limbaugh again, or is it Nugent?) you’d want to make sure you could go down in the biggest god-damn hail of bullets and blood you could manage.

That is your intent right LIbs? To kill as many people as you can with one pull of your fat, lazy finger?


I guess I don’t expect to single-handedly, anonymously change the linguistic conventions of American journalism, but this is important.

NY Man Negligently Shoots His Wife…

This particular dumbfounded dipstick is so flagrantly, obviously negligent, it’s uninformative and borderline misleading to call it an accident.

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Of course, he was trying to plug her, It’s called divorce New York style and it cost less than a lawyer.

See that red dot on your thigh honey? That’s where the bullet will go when I pull the trigger… Here, I’ll show you…

Reminds me of the “Office” episode where Dwight looks down the scope of his rifle so that he can watch Michael.

If the shooter in Seattle had a weapon with a manly man sized magazine then the MAN that took him down would not have felt any urgency over putting himself in harms way with that pepper spray.


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