They certainly can. But Bernie isn’t really surging for one thing (Indiana was hardly a “surge win”, he squeaked out a narrow win which leaves the delegate math largely unchanged, and at this point he needs to have landslide blow outs), and even if he was, its realistically impossible for him to “surge” enough to get a majority of pledged delegates or votes. And the super delegates don’t go against the winner of those two things. They never have, and they probably never will…they certainly won’t this year. They switched their votes in 2008 because Hillary lost to Obama…indeed, the vast majority of those who switched, switched either after she stepped down, or just a few days before she announced suspending her campaign. Which just underlines what I said above…Super delegates don’t vote against the majority winner.
Looks like HRC will end May with wins in the Guam caucus and KY primary and Bern will end it with wins in IN,WV and Oregon. The OR win will be Bern’s high watermark. The first 2 weeks of June will be brutal for Bern.
Math, numbers, reality, all of these things go against the possibility of Sanders winning or even getting close to winning.
He says that he wants to stay in to continue his message but what is that message? Be a spoiler because you care more for yourself than you do the ticket that you are running on. Ignore the will of the majority, AKA Democracy, and try to turn the whole system upside down because you can’t accept the fact that you lost.
Sanders has done some good and now he is hurting all of us, including his own supporters that don’t/won’t realize it. If being a pariah from now until forever is the goal, then he’s right on target.
Bernie or bust is just a slogan, we don’t need to go there.
So, you’re what berns, 900 delegates short for the nomination. As opposed to Hillary being about 150 delegates short.
Hate to tell you old man, MATH is a bitch!
I agree with a commenter on another site who said that anyone who still believes that Sanders has a realistic chance of winning has reached the Young Earth Creationism level of delusion.
It’s not his party, so what does he care?
He’s been an indy thorn in the dems backside for decades…and still is.
Voted against Iraq (which he brags about as he runs for potus), but voted for funding the F35 (which VT benefits from)…hypocrite and a liar is what he is.
AKA TPM moderator status.
You mean all those superdelegates that Sanders supporters have been harassing and threatening? Yeah. I bet they are just champing at the bit to change their minds and support Bernie Sanders, the candidate who is 3,000,000 votes and 300 delegates behind.
ETA: Sorry @captaincommonsense didn’t meant that to be a response to you; meant it to be a response to the article.
The manifesto of the Clinton superdelegate:
Maybe they can come over 27 delegates at a time.
Also known as “Sarandon Syndrome.”
But you know, being a pariah might be what he wants, in a way. I am struck by the desire to feel persecuted and cheated and “angry” in him and his supporters. The problem with that sort of resentful emotion is that it makes you turn against your friends and allies and treat them as enemies. We’ve seen that over and over. Teens resent the teacher who goes out of the way to help them. Students despise most the professor who gives them another chance. (You can probably tell I’m a teacher. )
But on a national political scale, it has a wider damage. And in the end, it’s going to be puerile. He’s going to grudgingly and resentfully sign on to the Democratic campaign, and it’ll probably be worse than nothing at all.
Salon’s headlines tomorrow, today, in other words.
On Rachel Maddow’s Friday interview with Bernie she asked him how he thinks the process should be changed. He wants all ‘open’ primaries, keep the open caucus (he thinks they are very good), and keep the super delegates. I guess now he wants to keep the super delegates because he needs them to win the nomination.
He is a Professional Protester who wouldn’t know compromise if he fell into it! Does not play well with others never has. Bernie why did you leave Brooklyn and move to the remotest part of Vermont from the wonderful thriving exciting opportunity of NYC I always wished someone would ask that question you yourself have never said why why Bern???
This is why it’s wrong for him to claim a contested convention and/or that he can still win if Hillary doesn’t secure enough pledged delegates. He’s simply lying to his voters and those that are giving him money.
numbers have a pro-Clinton bias
That is just about the corner that he has pushed himself into. He keeps saying that he won’t allow Trump to become POTUS but he does that simultaneously as he lays out attack ad after attack ad against Hillary for him and does the groundwork.
Timing is everything and Bernie is already beyond the point of graciousness and smarts. His exit is becoming stickier and stickier and his future is becoming bleaker and bleaker.
Whatever the strategy is, it doesn’t make sense to anyone but him.
Article in the Louisville CJ says today that Bernie has a real chance in KY. I don’t see that but one never knows.