Discussion for article #245767
Enough with the political correctness. Right?
Trump: I stand with Ted. You would never guess but my ancestors were Nazis and I know this first hand.
Talk to ANY conspiracist long enough, and The Jews is where it ends up.
And my Leslie West love grows…
Is this what Trump’s spox meant by him “bringing back Freedom of Speech”?
Getting in some ammoerotic asphyxiation again Ted?
Yet another example of the kind of Amurikan supporting Trump.
As the nuge Nuges…
You knew it was coming. Finally this shit-smeared embarrassment can be pilloried. He forgot that the one thing that right-wing pricks bow down to before rednecks is AIPAC.
I’m Jewish. I have guns. Fuck you.
Eating all those deer -some with chronic wasting disease- must have rotted the old perverts remaining mind.
Oh. I thought he was talking about Obama being “hung” because black in the Mandingo sense.
Is there any reason for me to care about the “never was” lunatic Nugent fellow other than my concern for a breach of the public safety?
Y A W N - what low hanging click bait.
And this fucker STILL has a show on TV. When the hell is a boycott going to get organized against this POS? When will the advertisers get notified?
no stranger to Internet
But, much stranger on internet, Ted’s kinda retro, Soul Train without a soul, (yawn, Satan take him away).
There should be a Fitbit-like device that tracks “stupid”, Ted would be a champion.
Gee. All that after the GOP put so much effort into courting Israel and the Jewish vote the last few years.