Discussion: Nuclear Deal Draft: Iran's Uranium Centrifuges Capped At 6,000

Discussion for article #234473

After Netanyahu declared his genuine intent to never agree to a two-state solution and some say won the election on that basis, I’m starting to think Israel is the one deserving of sanctions.


I am not against a deal. But that draft will never go over well on Capital Hill. Already betching about the 10 years. The centrifuges allowed versus what Washington originally wanted will not go over well. The only way the GOP will endorse a deal is if they stick it to Iran which will never happen.

The GOP would never go for ANY deal. All the GOP wants is to bomb them.


Bibi is stocking up with antacids about now.

Something like cutting off the free financial spigot maybe? How about not supporting them anymore than any other allied nation or anymore than they literally and figuratively support us.


How did this Iran conundrum come to be? Hmmmmmm.

They have never really been in the fold so to speak but Bush declaring them evil sure didn’t help matters any and Bush killing Saddam instead of Osama was another classic neo-con failure that brought us more al Qaeda, a failed Syria and ultimately ISIL. The power vacuum created by Bush killing Saddam to please his Daddy has snowballed into all sorts of todays current issues and ironically was likely the cause for Ben Ghazi.

Is a nuclear Iran worse than a nuclear Israel? Who trusts Netanyahu after his recent undermining of America and our policies? If a war ever starts with Iran it will because of Netanyahu egging it on then dragging us into it to fight his battle. Or, if we ever let the neo-cons near the White House again then it will be wars without borders.


An interesting result of the deal will be cheaper oil, as Iran floods the market in an attempt to make up for lost time and revenue. This will sure leave the average American mighty confused about who to cheer and who to jeer, since low gas prices are so intensely beloved.

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Maybe I missed it, but the big thing will be enforcement mechanisms. To me that would be key to the deal. I imagine it would need some international support though. As Iran is an odd duck so they need some incentive to follow the letter of the law other than just get the sanctions off and play nice.

I think you nailed it. The conclusion that a nuclear armed Iran would have a stabilizing effect on the region is the most honest one for people who follow those regional tensions very closely. Detente is a viable political solution to extremely disparate political fields, as based on observations between the USA and USSR.

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