Discussion: NSA Deletes Call Records After Unauthorized Data Collection

How much do you want to bet that NO records pertaining to Clinton were deleted, and ALL records pertaining to Trump were.


Hmmmmm…deleted or “deleted”??

If’n you catch my drift.

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Anyone know if NSA is required to announce this by law?

The NSA follows no rules, abides by no law. It’s an entirely unconstrained vacuum cleaner sucking up every speck of our data from every source. It periodically pretends to “do the right thing” by deleting a few things, but it’s all theater and all a distraction. If the NSA doesn’t have scads of evidence of Trump’s treasonous communications with Russia, then what the hell use is the NSA in the first place?

Hopefully our allies will have records also, which could be utilized in an investigation. That is, if they still talk to the US about such things,