Discussion: NRA Still Not Talking Amid New Reports Of Contacts With Putin Allies

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The National Russian Ammosexuals are getting into deeper and deeper doo-dooā€¦



Domestic Terrorists and Traitors.
When weā€™re finally past these dark days, hopefully this is what history will remember the NRA for.


What is there really to talk aboutā€¦they are traitors and murderers, you wouldnā€™t think they would want to elaborate on thatā€¦


ā€œA Justice Department investigation into whether Russians illegally funneled donations to the Trump campaign through the National Rifle Association (NRA) has uncovered a web of contacts between the gun group and allies of Vladimir Putin.ā€

I used to think the NRA was created so men with microphalluses could live out their Red Dawn fantasies.

Who knew they actually were living out Russian daddy fantasies this whole time?


I assume they are ā€œstill not talkingā€ based on the advice of their attorneys, as the article suggests.

In that sense the traitorous NRA will be might be more difficult to take down than TrumpWorld.


The evidence continues to mount that for the Trumpublican Party, rank-and-file as well as leadership, Putinā€™s Russia is not the adversary, itā€™s the ideal. They want their authoritarian thugocracy, and they are moving to get it.


Why should they talk? Trump would pardon anything that came to light and the GOP is busy actually making progress turning their dream into a reality of a permanent, unassailable white Christian plutocratic hegemony owned and controlled by them. The NRA literally has nothing to fear and no reason to talk .


"Democrats in Congress are also investigating financial links between Russia and the NRA for any possible illegal activity. After exchanging a series of letters with Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) the NRAā€™s general counsel cut off communications in April, saying they had provided all the facts needed to satisfy any ā€˜legitimate concerns.ā€™"

ā€œConcerns of illegitimate activities, though ā€¦ youā€™ll have to fight hard for us to give up that information. I mean, beyond the Supreme Court hard. And Trump has already discussed a pardon.ā€


They are so busted.


The NRA used to be a patriotic, all-American outfit.

Now as a gun lobby group they knowingly, willingly take money from our enemies to use against us?

The ONLY people who think highly of Russia are Russians and the Trump Party.

Register people to vote. Get to the polls. We CAN stop this!


When you combine this story with the Guardian/Observer and Times of London breaking down how the Russians got their hooks into the Leave.EU campaign through financier Arron Banks with financial incentives that look suspiciously similar to the model described by Christopher Steele w/respect to the Rosneft sale, weā€™re getting to a point where even the pro-Trump, pro-Brexit crew is going to have to throw them to the wolves to maintain legitimacy.

The UK needs to open a criminal investigation into Leave.EU, their links with Cambridge Analytica and get after Alexander Nix, Nigel Farage, Arron Banks and Steve Bannon (among others). Here in the US, the DOJ and Mueller should not hesitate to indict the NRA as an org plus some key officers. Itā€™s clear from the Senate report that there is substantial evidence of the Russians using the NRA as conduits. The NRA leadership/org should be indicted and forced to mount a defense on a lack of intent. They wonā€™t be able to allege that the crime of foreign money influencing a political campaign through the NRA did not happen. Sometimes prosecutors need to indict on the supposition that juries can smell the bullshit and hold principals accountable for what could be acts of negligence or where we strongly suspect intent but defendants have found a way to hide behind a negligence argument. Put the pressure on and they all break.


ā€¦but probably even more satisfying to do so!


Lock them all up! The NRA leadership, the governing Board --Yes, including Magnum PU.


Hey, they just want to make sure that Russian citizens have the same right to kill high school students with automatic weapons as American citizens do.
Kinda makes you want to drink a Coke while warbling ā€œIā€™d Like To Teach The World To Singā€, donā€™t it?


More Putin-funded saboteurs!


These are the worst kind of dirty traitors. They sell us out to help Murder Inc. kill our childrenā€¦to benefit an enemy power.

If any of these NRA fucks are found to have knowingly funneled Russian money for the purposes of changing our election result - they need to HANG as traitors on live TV. Upside down.


So, between this and the Sunday Times/Guardian Brexit blockbuster, is there anyone else who wants to suggest Iā€™m being paranoid and McCarthyistic when I say they are deeply involved in amplifying, and in some cases originated, pretty much every anti-democratic, separatist or extremist movement in the west?


Can Mueller take down the entire Republican Party? What does DOJ say about indicting the House? Unindicted co-conspirator? Current legal theory says (there must be a memo somewhere, but many people say) that a person cannot be his own judge. How much more can an entire people be their own judge? But isnā€™t that what we call Conscience? I guess thatā€™s the missing element here. So I guess I answered my own question, raising a lot of others for myself.


ā€¦and strangely, it seems like weā€™ve gone a couple weeks without a massive school shooting.

Maybe these are actually NRA false flag operations in an attempt to sell more guns? Alex Jones should investigate.