Discussion: NRA Spox Dodges Questions On Bump Stock Ban: That's Congress' Job

You are suddenly giving Congress free will?


Ammosexual Barbie is one of the worst, most despicable and digusting people in the country. Literally.

She just sent two messages with this claptrap:

  1. Your donations are on the line, GOPers.

  2. Vegas was Obama’s fault.

May she someday be tarred, feathered and pushed in front of a speeding train.


Some thoughts:
I was thinking it’d be karma if the wackiest followers of the NRA gradually began to think the NRA was selling them out by letting up on the Bump Stocks, infinite magazines–er clips, mentally ill “customers” and stuff like that–well, the NRA people would begin to live in fear all the time. They wouldn’t feel safe.

I would think that was too bad, if I were a nicer person. As I understand, praying for it to happen wouldn’t work.


“On Thursday, the National Riffle Association released a statement that called on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives …”

The same ATF the NRA used to call “jack-booted thugs?”


Hey Dana, I’ve got some country music concert tickets for you right here. Don’t forget to take that demure and stylish ladies Glock 9mm with you so you can take out a gunman at 800 yards right before you’re shot multiple times by first responders.

Asshole NRAers.


On Thursday, the National Riffle Association released a statement that called on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ARF) to review whether the bump stock device — which authorities believe was used by the Las Vegas gunman — is in compliance with federal law that bans automatic riffles.

A day later, the NRA’s outspoken spokeswoman Dana Loesch wouldn’t say whether she supports a ban on the gun accessory that allows a semi-automatic riffle to function like a fully automatic weapon.

Appearing on Fox Business Friday morning, she dodged questions about whether she would support tightly written legislation that bans the bump stock devices, saying, “I’m not an elected official” and “I don’t want to engage in hypothetical arguments.”

“And if Congress were to even think about discussing a ban we’d be on them like white on rice.” she added.


"We are asking the ATF to just simply look at the regulations, this is a question of the ATF and whether it’s doing its job with consistency here,”

Setting aside that this is all just “Obama did it” nonsense, it still begs the question of why ISN’T someone at TPM looking at the regulations, talking to an expert and figuring out if ATF was indeed handcuffed and required to approve these things…THEN moving on to connecting that handcuffing to who enacted the regulations/laws that handcuffed the ATF and how much money the NRA paid them to do so.


And we know who owns Congress, don’t we?


I’m outraged. Congress’ s Job?
Making money off human misery, and facilitating same is every Republican’s Job!!!


It always goes this way. Somebody comes out with something horrifying—puppy-killing cartridges, say, utterly useless for any other purpose—and first the NRA says something vague about not having a position, because there’s no position they’d actually be comfortable taking. Then the people they themselves trained to be loony on every gun-oriented question start yelling that it’s the camel’s nose and the next thing is confiscation via jackbooted thugs who will load the guns on black helicopters and give them to FEMA to round up conservatives with and the NRA sends itself to a sort of reeducation camp and says of course it’s our God-given right and the foundation of all our others freedoms to have “selective target rounds” or some soothing name. It was exactly that way with the flurry of open-carry idiots a few years ago. The NRA said “Um, this is actually maybe not a great idea” and the open-carry people got hopping mad and started cutting up their membership cards and the NRA folded like a cheap suit.


"What isn’t clear is where Congress is. What isn’t clear is the job that Congress needs to do. "


Simple language:
Devices which allow a gun to act in a manner such that they approximate the firing capacity of an automatic weapon are prohibited from manufacture, distribution/sale or ownership. Modifications to weapons such that they approximate the firing capacity of an automatic weapon are prohibited.


Interesting how the NRA spokespeople I’ve seen recently are beautiful women.

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Appearing on Fox Business Friday morning, she dodged questions about whether she would support tightly written legislation that bans the bump stock devices, saying, “I’m not an elected official” and “I don’t want to engage in hypothetical arguments.”

"Dana, come on. I want your opinion on bump stocks and getting rid of them,” Stuart Varney, host of Fox’s “Varney and Co.,” said.

“This is why we elect Congress to do this,” she said


At least Perino admits “they” elect Congress.


How she usually deals with Congress


What would be so wrong with requiring LIABILITY INSURANCE for gun owners?
I have to buy it for my car, even my house (in case it collapses on a country-music concert?)
I’m sure insurance actuaries could compute reasonable rates.


I was at a picnic once with a guy whose company makes the hand cleaners Goop and Purell. I asked his wife if he was excited about flu season approaching. She said “Oh yes, he prays for pandemics.” She was kidding.

But the NRA loves this stuff. Their manufacturers make fortunes after massacres. Bump stocks are selling like hotcakes this week. The NRA prays for its pandemics.

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The system we are told to trust is not doing it for us.

Maybe be folks like you won’t let it when it tries?

One of the first laws passed by the GOP Congress, and signed by Trump in February, was Public Law 115–8:

“Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Social Security Administration relating to Implementation of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 published at 81 Fed. Reg. 91702 (December 19, 2016), and such rule shall have no force or effect.”

But what was this mysterious 81 Fed. Reg. 91702, you ask…

"These final rules…require Federal agencies to provide relevant records to the Attorney General for inclusion in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System [to] identify, on a prospective basis, individuals who receive Disability Insurance benefits…based on a finding [of] mental impairment*…

[W]e will also notify individuals, both orally and in writing, of their possible Federal prohibition on possessing or receiving firearms, the consequences of such prohibition, [and] the criminal penalties for violating the Gun Control Act…"

So the very people who keep telling us – over and over – that crazy people, not guns, are the problem…

Are the very same people who passed a law to allow gun purchases by…

(wait for it)

Crazy people!

The techincal term is “Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs”.