My but the NRA is being brave! Meeting with Trump to discuss gun safety is not unlike a bank robber meeting with an online credit card hacker to discuss the need for greater security at financial institutions.
If the NRA had any wish to work on gun safety they would ask to meet with the sitting President.
It would be AWESOME if THEY could GET CLint EasTWOOD to TALK TO an EMPTY cHAIR at THE RePUBLICan COnvenTION. HITLARY would LOOK STUPid. I doN"t know WHERE I COme UP witH THEse IDeas.
The flying monkey brigade is going ape shit:
‘A flip flopping con man’: Conservatives freak after Trump hints he’ll support stronger gun control
The Orlando shooter was a law-abiding American citizen when he bought the gun. After he killed 49 people and injured far more he was a criminal and terrorist.
That is weird, Trump is not known to keep his word, why would he on this ?
Frankly, the baseline problem is that when left-wingers decide to go crazy, they rebel by smoking a joint.
Right-wingers, of course, tend to buy a gun and shoot people, often left-wingers.
Until the Left-wingers come to grips with this, and decide to arm themselves and shoot back, this is kind of a losing battle where the left-wing is constantly going to be the body count.
I’m sure the NRA is ready to talk (waterboard) him out of that idea.
He’s tanking here, but TRUMP is YUUGGGGE in India.
No. C’mon, not even snark funny. Violence is not the answer. Pointing and mocking until everyone laughs with you is the answer.
The NRA deserves a nasty tweet from Rump the insult comic, perhaps more richly than anyone else.
So what CYA hand-waving while fighting actual legislation will come of this?
The poling and the optics as reflected therein must be atrocious.
This is farce. Complete and utter farce.
Dictator Donnie doesn’t give a shit about gun violence in America, especially against gay people, Latinos, or any other group or individuals…except the kind that’s against White Nationalists.
The NRA isn’t going to let anything interfere with their gun manufacturers YTD business profits…otherwise, I’m sure they’re all ears. And like most things having to do with tRump and the NRA, this is just smoke and mirrors…anything to smooth over the negative press they’re getting and try to change the subject.
Just remember, background checks was what the NRA wanted for years, until we got partial background checks… now they oppose closing the loopholes that you can drive an M1A1 through…
Good to know that Trump agrees with Obama. Just needs to double check with the NRA, I guess.
So decides Wayne LaPierre, Minister of Propaganda
the most disgusting thing is the ever-present assumed premise that we have to ask the NRA’s permission to do anything in this country, as if they are the actual fourth branch of government.
yes, i understand that that is the premise for a good reason – because they’ve been essentially elevated to that position. but it’s disgusting nonetheless.
Can’t wait to hear some Congresspersons explain to their constituents that they have the NRA’s express permission to do something. It will not make anyone happy.
The Devil is always in the details. Everyone sees what they are doing here, right?
" ‘…the government should be allowed to immediately go to court, block the sale, and arrest the terrorist.’ "
In other words, the Orlando shooter had every right to purchase the gun he used to commit his atrocity.
You either convict him of a crime or he gets all the assault weapons his heart desires because he is presumed to be a one man, “well regulated militia”.
NOBODY expects the NRA! Our chief weapon is propaganda… propaganda and fear…fear and propaganda… Our two weapons are fear and propaganda…and ruthless efficiency … Our three weapons are fear, propaganda, and ruthless efficiency…and an almost fanatical devotion to the gun manufacturers… Our four…no… Amongst our weapons… Amongst our weaponry…are such elements as fear, propaganda…