Discussion: NRA Lobbyist: Guns Equalizer For 'The Blacks'

Wow! Never let facts get in the way of a good argument…

Sometimes the most supportive evidence is the kind you make up yourself.

Here in Wisconsin, that counts as thoughtful commentary. Guns are less helpful for “the blacks” now that the penalty for carrying a firearm while black is immediate execution.

Oh sure. If a “black” in Wisconsin is carrying a picture of a gun the police are paid to shoot 1st and ask questions later!

With Trump and the Republican Communist Party, the US is now the most racist so called developed nation in the world. Thanks to Robert’s Supreme Court, Trump, Paul Ryan, and Mitch McConnell!

As a white - I am ashamed of my country’s backward track under Republican racist leadership and their policies. America is destined towards a 2nd civil war - Mitch McConnell will have blood on his hands!