Discussion for article #232993
Well, there you go.
If violence doesn’t work, time to put 'em down.
Simple really.
EDIT: Isn’t that the Conservative culture in a nutshell?
Insecure little boys need guns to make them feel like men…
But it’s not working.
Or from him putting a bullet in you! For now…
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Or vice-versa, with respect to Mr. Cotton.
Great… Another Texan I’ll have to cross off my babysitter list.
Is a paddle an “arm” protected by the 2A? Free slogan for this guy:
“I’m sick of people who say don’t touch my child … but don’t force me to vaccinate! Parental choice!”
Satirizing and ridiculing right-wing nut jobs now keeps me from fragging them later.
“When he squeezed the trigger and saw the can split open, his love of shooting was affirmed.”
I’m surprised they left out the next line: “When he put a firecracker in the ass of a frog whose legs he had just pulled off and saw it explode, his love of killing things was affirmed.”
Trauma is what causes PTSD. Just look in the mirror.
I was subjected to corporal punishment as a child in the mid1950s [4th grade] because of habitual tardiness and other ADD behavior. I’d stop in vacant, overgrown lots on the way to school and look for flowers, insects , especially, monarch butterfly chrsyalids and moth cocoons.
On several occasions, I got a heavy leather strap, brandished by the vice-principal, applied to the palms of my hands. I never forgot that. Looking back, it was barbaric, really. Whether or not it “did me any good” is debatable. It didn’t “cure” my ADD and I still have aspects of ADD at 67 y.o. I did however end up becoming a biologist and am still fascinated by insects and flowers.
Since the corporal punishment didn’t work, I guess someone will just have to put a bullet in me, but at 67, whoever’s going to do it had better act soon.
Isn’t this more of a racial, lynching issue than a corporal punishment problem?
Texas will soon pass legislation mandating that each child be paddled in order to save them from some NRA dung beetle putting a bullet in them.
It should also be mandatory that children not be vaccinated against measles. Or inoculated against voting for weasels like Ricky Perry.
Becuz of course…
Protecting the fetus
so they can shoot it later.
NRA FamilyValues.
So easy idiots can kill anybody with 'em.
It’s interesting how he’s got it almost directly backwards. Hitting a kid makes it much more likely that the kid will use violence to solve problems than anything else you could do.
So Chucky, you can’t control your urges? Howzabout you castrate yourself instead? It’s okay by the Texas Constitution, and by all of us here at TPM.
Sounds like Charles could have stood some more paddling as a youngster.
Mr. Cotton, based on the loathsome but persistent analogy that “nits make lice”, why not proactively shoot all the male children now?