I’m sure Donald Trump will be able to see many good people on both sides from his bedroom window.
How fucking lovely.
This will be an enormous disaster.
Perhaps it will be educational for Americans to see all the pro-Trump signs intermixed with the Confederate and Nazi flags.
There HAS to be a life beyond reading every damn article on everything and watching every damn video on everything and keeping up with everything and commenting on everything! I want to LIVE.
Kessler estimates 400 people will join him in Washington.
And ten times that many will attend to voice opposition.
Expect 40, and 4 of those will be FBI plants.
Maybe Trump will agree to appear. That’ll gig attendance. Stephen Miller can emcee.
Well, it’s nice he has promised to throw trash in “available recepticles.”
He’s a real stable genius.
Stephen Miller is so excited he’s already picked out his outfit. He’s been saving his favourite khakis for just the right occasion.
Do you think they could move it a little closer to election day in November? Maybe early to mid October?
Take it easy there danny, we have a ways to go yet. Take a break. Do whatever it is that you do that puts you in a good place. Walk in nature…get lost reading a good book, lay off the news for awhile…the hellish BS will be here when you get back, or maybe some progress will be made. Hang in there, we’ll hold the fort down for you.
Okay, thanks. I will.
August in DC can be pretty hellish. Perhaps Mother Nature will land a hand with some extra bad weather. Extreme heat and humidity, lightning storm, Hurricane…
400 people who really want to lose their jobs by outing themselves as Nazis.
How many trash bins will it take to hold Kessler and his gang of 400? A trash compacter may be in order to save space.
Kessler said the violence that killed a woman and injured others in Charlottesville was provoked by what he’s calling “civil rights abuse.” He’s right, but he’s also undoubtedly confused about the identity of the abuser and the abused.
How much ya bet the application for a counter-protest gets denied because to hold it would be too controversial, present the likelihood of injury or property damage, or the possibility of promoting civil unrest?
[quote=“valgalky23, post:14, topic:73840, full:true”]
August in DC can be pretty hellish. Perhaps Mother Nature will land a hand with some extra bad weather. Extreme heat and humidity, lightning storm, Hurricane…
[/quote]Well, at least none of that group has to worry about the Rapture.
I honestly never thought I would see things like this happening openly, with hundreds of people possibly attending. There were plenty of racists still, but the idea that we’d see Nazi salutes, open calls for exterminating non-whites, all of that was just impossible to see happening openly until two years ago. I’d like to hope this is a last gasp of white supremacy, but I see a lot of young, white males attending these things.
All we can do is stand up to the hate and make it clear what America actually stands for until we get through another election cycle and push them out once again, hopefully forever.
We can make jokes, but it is this ever-present fear of the erosion of white privilege, coupled with increasing toxic masculinity that has led us to this monstrous Administration.
Conversely, Trump has given them permission to wallow in their hate and made it okay to be deplorable. That’s why they love him so much. He’s one of them.