Discussion: Notorious Islamaphobe Frank Gaffney To Join Cruz National Security Team

He should make selections like this after he’s won the election. This isn’t going to help Cruz.

If the Dick measuring event were to happen, my money would be on Hillary. And she has balls enough for both of them! My hope is still with Bernie.

Was Doug Feith already taken?

Just once, I’d like to see an example of this ‘creeping Sharia’
The press let New Gingrich get away with murder for like a year with this. He’d say it, no one would ask him to back it up…

The YUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Tracts of Land dude …included in Cruz’s wet-dream team.

But … American Exceptionalism ----

And this guy is now part of the best-case scenario as the Republican nominee. Excellent news.


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“Creeping Sharia” would be a great name for a band, though.

The caps I find particularly offensive are the ones that say Caterpillar, John Deere, or Snap-On Tools.

Cruz makes Trump - referencing himself as his own foreign policy adviser - look good in comparison.

Additionally, what kind of self respecting woman would be seen in the company of such a man?

Actually, I think it’s about 55%. But that’s still cutting it way too close for comfort.

Because if too many loonies vote, and not enough non-loonies do…well, you get the idea.