Discussion: Notorious Islamaphobe Frank Gaffney To Join Cruz National Security Team

Discussion for article #247533

This is a good move from the perspective of encouraging more internecine strife in the GOP, since you have to figure that Gaffney and Grover Norquist are mortal enemies. What’s the little bearded parasite Grover to do now? Trump has already established his Muslim-hating bona fides, and now that Cruz has signed on by putting the lunatic Gaffney on his team, Norquist has even more incentive to foment trouble behind the scenes.


Cruz’s entire campaign can now be summed up as: “You think Trump is a dick? Look at me!”


“Look at me! Mine’s bigger than Donald’s!”


He says “members of the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the Obama administration, specifically attacking Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. He’s also argued that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan wanted to introduce Sharia law into the U.S. government.”

Sounds about right. Guess Bolton was a bit too sane for Cruz.


“Notorious Islamophobe Frank Gaffney” or as Cruz calls him; “A Moderate”.
This should not surprise ANYBODY as Cruz is a flat-out Theocratic Fascist who wants to make America an exclusively Pentecostal Christian Theocracy.
He doesn’t even lie to anyone about it and openly calls for it in his stump speeches.


Well, he seems rational (facepalm)


Republicans offering up great POTUS candidates this year…which do you prefer, the snake oil salesman or the snake?


If Sharia Law required people to wear belts that held their pants at their waist and demanded they remove ballcaps in restaurants I’d say let’s roll with it.

So, Michael Ledeen is the level-headed moderate on the Cruz team? And Cruz is the only serious rival to Trump, whose team exists only in his head?

This party needs to be blown up and re-built from scratch.


If you didn’t think Cruz was a scary mofo BEFORE then think so NOW. Jim Talent is going to counteract Gaffney? Oh PLEASE…this guy’s is as nuts as they come.

If Cruz were the front-runner and Trump had never stumbled onto the stage I think non-loony Americans would be nearly as appalled as they are now. He’s a half-notch less farcical than Trump but in any way that matters he’s just as dangerous and un-American. Unlike Trump he’s actually got a worldview—he’s a Dominionist, he’s not the only one, and it’s all pretty disquieting. He’d be about twenty times the theocrat Dubya was. This Gaffney thing speaks for itself, btw.


240 years of evolution in our government and one of the two relevant parties the electorate can choose from to offer up a candidate for President has come to this. I puzzle that people think we have a system superior to every other nation.


So, you’re referencing that 5% of the population?

And here I thought “Suicide Squad” was just a movie yet to be released.

Just saw a commercial with Cubanadian Cruz’ drooling, ear-bleeding whine: “Make your choice. Only Donald Trump and I have the numerical possibility to achieve the nomination…blah, blah, blah…”

So RepubliKKKlans, what would you rather have: Ebola or Plague? Make your choice…and bonne chance!


Funniest 18 words I have read here. Can I have the T-Shirt rights?

So then what? They are going want a general election that is a dick measuring contest with Hillary?

I’m with you on belts and the sagging pants they need to hold up, but you’ll have to pry my Michigan football hat off my dead, cold noggin.

More likely the less than subtle message will be “You can’t elect HER, she doesn’t HAVE a dick!!”

There is a restaurant in my city with a prominent sign in the entry foyer,

“Gentleman must wear a tie and remove their hats to dine with us”

Best goddamned sign on the planet. When did it become permissible to wear a fricking hat on your head while dining? Or in the presence of a lady? Or indoors, anywhere? The moment I spy a man in a restaurant eating and wearing a hat I know I’ve come upon a true lout and vulgarian. Unfortunately in these times it causes the majority of the population to fall into such disrepute.