Apparently, Manafort won’t have Oleg to stand on…
Gates is on the stand right now, so there will undoubtedly be more interesting factoids emerging today . . . .
Has there been a statement anywhere as to how long this trial is supposed to last?
Prosecutors said they should be done this week.
I like it!
Should be enough time. Hoping they don’t leave anything pertinent out and don’t piss the judge off either (not hearing much of the latter anymore, after the first day or so).
The defense should be interesting.
Three weeks overall and they say they’re on schedule,
Such as it is.
What would the late Johnny Cochran do?
Hasn’t the defense all but said he did it?
That’s what I mean. They don’t actually have a defense.
Not wear an Ostrich jacket, that’s for damn sure. He had style.
Maybe what a great guy he is and the orphanages he built, single-handedly, in the Ukraine?
I disagree that they do not have a defense.
The defense is, if you are on the jury and support Trump, hang the jury.
Or to put another way, Manafort’s only hope, and I think from all we have seen a very good hope, is that a Trumpian on the jury will refuse to vote to convict. And before someone tells me Trump is not an issue at the trial, that is only true for those born yesterday regardless of what is discussed or presented at the trial.
That’s a hoped-for outcome, not a defense.
About as long as it takes a magnifying glass to incinerate a bug. With breaks for lunch.
You really lowered the bar with that one.
But who am I to judge?
The inquiries came in a line of question where Asonye seemed to be suggesting that Manafort was reporting as loans money that was actually income.
I totally believe the $10 million was a loan, because the collateral were Manafort’s two non-broken legs. And please don’t call Deripaska “oligarch”, the judge might scowl. Maybe godfather or capo di tutti capi?