Discussion: North Korea Specialist: Trump Handed Kim Jong Un 'Soundbite Of The Century'

If North Koreans were as rational as Americans, they’d be spending every last dime on defense, building a huge nuclear arsenal to attack an aggressive, threatening foreign power.

Heck of a job, Donald.


Trump blithely threatening to massacre 25 million people is beyond belief. He´s either a monster, or/and he´s absolutely ignorant of what his words would mean to a country with [NK´s history][1]:

“Most Americans are completely unaware that we destroyed more cities in the North then we did in Japan or Germany during World War II… Every North Korean knows about this, it’s drilled into their minds. We never hear about it,” historian and author Bruce Cumings told Newsweek by email Monday.

He couldn´t come up with a better justification for NK developing nuclear weapons.
[1]: http://www.newsweek.com/us-forget-korean-war-led-crisis-north-592630

Pretty low bar, considering whom we elected as president :wink:


Is it too much to ask that “writers” here learn that his family name is Kim? Or do we now call them “President [sic] Donald,” “Chancellor Angela,” etc? It’s not as if this is a new concept.

This is not rocket surgery




The next time you’re tempted to say Trump is being shrewd about something, ask yourself if you’ve ever, ever heard him say anything like “You might think Option X is best, but actually Option Y is, because of conditions A, B, and C.” I never have, and neither have you. He’s not intellectually or emotionally capable of it. All he knows is “Hulk smash!” He’s the loudmouth at the end of the bar who doesn’t know one goddamn thing about what he’s talking about. That’s our President.


The Dickhead says a lot to stay front and center .

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I disagree. If he held forth on how to grift, and how to get his family in on it – well, I wouldn’t listen to him, but I think he’d know what he was talking about.


I think he would too. But that’s one of the few topics he doesn’t say much about. :grinning:

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Front page teaser still says just “Jong Un” instead of Kim. It is a rather embarrassing error, I think.

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I think “Mongo like candy” is also part of his idiolect.


Rational as Americans? You mean the same Americans who made Donald Trump the bad hair-sporting dictator of the United States of America (as opposed to North Korea, where their bad hair-sporting dictator ascended to the position because of an accident of birth)? But yeah, a rational country would do everything in its power to prepare against the bellicose threats of a much larger and powerful adversary…


I think he’s just a savant when it comes to grift. His holding forth on the subject would be like, “Yeah, I’m an excellent grifter. Yeah, gotta… gotta go to Mar-a-lago. Uh, oh! 10 min to Hannity.”


Donald Trump saw the movie Team America: World Police and thought it was an Army training film…

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Yep. with a few “well chosen” words, Frankenputz has handed Kim and all the succeeding generations of Kims, a generational justification for “Songun” (Military First) that started with Kim Il Sung.
I’d mention how UTTERLY Stupid Frankenputz is, but somehow I get the idea that repeating that is like saying “Night is Dark.”


“With those words, President Trump handed the Kim regime the soundbite of the century. It will play on a continuous loop on North Korean national television.”

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“Yeah, I got my hair at K-Mart. 400 Oak Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Yeah…”

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He is the bigliest richard cranium for now. At least “mooch” could speak in coherent sentences.

Trump’s words seemed to mirror threats normally emanating from North Korean state media.

The difference, of course, being that even with its tangled syntax and painfully mistranslated and misused colloquialisms the DPRK state media tends to make more sense than Cockholster could ever hope to.

Great The New Yorker article on the DPRK.