What do you expect from an insane idiot ?
But Kim said this…
Yeah, must admit Kim has a way with words. That was memorable!
Gotta say, the quality of the Korean insults is way higher, more literate and poetic than Little Hand’s.
More like a ASS braying.
You know I was wondering why NK was up to these shenanigans when the Chinese were displeased about it, because they would hardly want to go against China’s wishes considering How much they depend on it. Then it struck me that Trump came into power complaining day and night about the Chinese taking advantage of the US, but since the whole NK fiasco has started, he’s hardly said a word against them,and has also spoken well of them.
Putting my tin foil hat on, I wonder if Xi Jingping is actually encouraging the North Koreans to saber rattle a little bit, because it leads Trump to actually needing China and gives them a stronger hand when negotiating against Trump.
The problem I see in the immediate future is, what if there are more missile tests from NK? What will the Orange Sphincter in the White House do? If nothing… then it is the ‘sound of a dog barking’. Makes Trump look even more stupid than before (if that is even possible). And, what exactly can Trump do that does not make the U.S. look like aggressors?
Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.
He dares insult Prince Casusbelli?
When North Korea starts sounding like the reasonable party in an argument.
It’s definitely a poser for the Trumpster, but in the end, he’ll settle on stupid.
"North Korea Minister Calls Trump’s Threat ‘Sound Of Dog Barking’
How Trump sees himself:
How the world sees him:
If it were an insult contest, Kim would win, without a doubt.
PYONGYANG (The Borowitz Report)—In what some security experts fear could be a high-stakes war of Elton John lyrics, minutes after Donald Trump called Kim Jong Un “Rocket Man,” the North Korean dictator responded by calling Trump “Honky Cat.”
As he issued the Elton John-based attack, Kim warned that he had an extensive collection of the singer-songwriter’s albums and was prepared to weaponize every lyric in them.
The White House immediately struck back, warning Kim that “any further provocation involving an Elton John lyric, especially ‘Tiny Dancer,’ will be seen as an act of war.”
But any hope that Kim would be silenced was short-lived.
Responding to the White House, Kim stated, “I see the bitch is back,” before signing off, “Goodbye, Yellow-Wigged Toad.”
Their twitter game is pretty good.
That’s what I’ve pretty much assumed all along. That and punishment for Trump’s Taiwan call.
Kim gave a speech in the Supreme People’s Assembly responding to Cockholster’s “Rocket Man” taunts.