Discussion for article #222463
Discussion: North Carolina GOPer Tillis: We Need To 'Divide And Conquer' People On Public Assistance
That’s one of the stupidest, most moronic ideas I’ve ever heard. What a clueless dumbfuck.
Why is he attacking Walmart’s employees?
Will work for food…
we need to get those folks to look down at these people
You’ve already done that with the braindead red staters who vote against their best interests because they’re morons. You’ve milked that cow dry.
Do we still have hanging trees?
I cannot take these people anymore. I just cannot take it. I am sick to death of sharing the planet with these disgusting pieces of matter who take up space and have weight.
Why does he hate military families?
And look at him!!! I just want to scream.
"What we have to do is find a way to divide and conquer the people …
Mission Accomplished, Republicans.
Forget Wikipedia, now there’s a far better definition of schmuck.
Probably obvious to many here, but this is simply a disgusting ploy to convince more people to vote for them. There’s no positive results in it for anyone but the GOP. Thank dog it’s so fucking stupid it would never work.
White rich men with big bellies who talk like this deserve to lose elections.
but but jesus says
As NC’s Speaker of the House he’s proven his “integrity” as he has worked diligently to express his disdain towards the 47% through policy and legislation. What a disgusting politician.
Actually, it is neither a stupid nor moronic idea. It is VILE, but is very Machiavellian. He knows that white males are outnumbered and rich people are even further outnumbered. He knows they have to whittle away at the Democratic coalition in order to obtain the power necessary to defend the privileges to which he and his benefactors are accustomed.
It was however, stupid and moronic for him to say them out loud. For that, I am grateful.
“these people who . . .” = Black people.
Unfortunately, his attitude resonates widely amongst the mean-spirited and Tea Party crazies.
Sounds to me like in order to find out who “deserves” assistance, we need a nice, creaking bureaucracy. Got it.
Another day, another sack of crap masquerading as a human being.