Discussion: North Carolina GOP Chairman Indicted In Latest Scandal For Party

They were feathering their own nests, not Trump’s. If they’d dropped a cool million on the inauguration, he’d have been in business.


This is one of the insidious products of mixing church and state. These religious fanatics believe that corruption is justified to bring about the implementation of a Christian state. They truly believe they are at war with secularists (and other religions) and that any action they take to win that war is redeemed by their “righteous” intentions. When you see these people blustering about innocence, it is because they truly believe they are innocent.


He meets all the qualifications for a job in the upper levels of the Trump administration…


I’m glad to see that the resurgence of the Democrats in NC has led to a much needed comprehensive investigation of the corruption the GOP has fostered in that state. If the Dems do the job right, it should be the end of the GOP in NC for a long, long time.


I don’t doubt what you say, but I don’t care what they think. Another shrinking minority. Inadvertently they have done the country some good, Christianities numbers have been steadily cratering for decades now, these losers can speed things up a bit.


U.S. Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski said in a Tuesday statement. “Bribery of public officials at any level of government undermines confidence in our political system. The Criminal Division will use all the tools at our disposal—including the assistance of law-abiding public officials—to relentlessly investigate and prosecute corruption wherever we find it.”

Live shot of West Wing:


GOP = Corruption

That’s the message. Spread it far and wide and often.


Hayes announced on Monday that he would be stepping down as party chairman as of June, claiming complications from a recent hip surgery had convinced him to resign.

What happened? Did they accidentally remove his hubris?


Jury gave him no sympathy for the crutches. Next time use a wheelchair.


They just might give it to former rep Pittinger, who lost to Harris. I’ve been to his town hall meeting (before he stopped having them). Tea Party guy but old and cranky. And nutty - something about a niece(?) having a car accident. The other person involved was from one of Mexico’s countries. True story.


Unless things have changed in the last two weeks Pittenger isn’t running for anything.


Not a mistake so much as a witch hunt.

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You’re right. Getting confused.

Think the story mentioned that the investigation pre-dated the mid-terms, let alone everything that came after.

Hayes was close to Harris — both come from the religious conservative wing of the party.

Don’t they allways.

Be it pedophiles, rapists, or thieves, they ALL wrap themselves in the Flag and Carry a Cross for Jesus.

It makes excellent camouflage for the Grifters among us and always has, allowing them to fleece the faithful and exploit the rubes.


Law 'n Order is a bitch, bitches!


Here is a better rundown. Read the article Very enlightening

They’re all accused of trying to bribe state Insurance Commissioner Mike Causey, who got in touch with federal investigators and recorded conversations quoted in the indictment. The alleged scheme would have traded more than $1 million in political contributions in exchange for regulatory help at the department.


So, the North Carolina GOP is criminal to the core!

Whatta accomplishment!

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I am always amazed by these white collar criminals who think they can get away with lying to the FBI. If you did it, DON’T SAY ANYTHING. It won’t change whether or not they get the goods on you and you won’t get charged with lying to an FBI agent when they do make the indictments. I peg him as just another dipshit GOPer who thinks he is smarter than anyone else because he is rich.

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Corrupt Republican Politician?