Discussion: North Carolina Election Board Sets Re-Do Elections In Ninth District For Sept. 10

Soooo, when will we be hearing about the spoiler candidate the GOP finds to try to screw up the Dem candidate in this ā€œwe cheated so we get a second chanceā€ election?


NC-9 will have gone without representation in the US Congress for a year, because their Republicans cheated and were caught. One hopes that it isnā€™t too much to ask the voters not to reward cheatersā€¦


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He is a great candidate and he should NOT be having to run again.


Donnieā€™s looking at this as a model for how to fuck with the 2020 election, just in case it doesnā€™t deliver the ā€˜rightā€™ result.


Iā€™m expecting something more along the lines of idiot voters not turning out to vote for McCready like they did in 2018 and the GOP ending up winning this thing, proving to themselves that they should just cheat in any future election they are concerned will be close in order to secure themselves a 2nd shot. I mean, why not? I guarantee itā€™s going to prove to be a wonderfully effective way for the GOP in NC to suppress Dem/minority turnout for the election that ā€œcounts.ā€


Though there isnā€™t a guarantee that heā€™ll pack either, Spectrum and Bojangles could be considered as venues.


So you have a marathon. The two front runners cross the finish line neck to neck. But then photographic evidence shows that one runner had actually jumped in a taxi and completed part of the marathon as a rider, dropping back into the race well rested and keeping up with the other runner. So the race is called bogus on account of the fraudulent runner. The obvious course is then to make the other runner who completed the race under his own steam and ahead of all the others run the race again.

Makes sense.


Itā€™s not a very good metaphor because Harris cheated his way to winning the primary as well. So he kneecapped other contenders way before the close finish

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Oh. I should have noted the fraudulent runner knee capping everyone with a baseball bat on the way by.


So it takes 6 Months !!! to run a make up election? That wouldnā€™t be because the Dems already have a highly qualified candidate who has name recognition while the gopers have nothing and need time to recover would it?


So from May 15 to September what the hell kind of race are they running. The candidates will be able to talk to every voter in the district 17 times. And can you imagine the mail!

Thatā€™s going to give the gopperā€™s plenty of time to steal this race some other way.

If a second primary is required, ā€¦

You mean, like, because the first primary was tainted by election fraud?

Many people are saying Kansas Kris Kobach is moving to NC-9 to ā€œhelp outā€?

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Have they promised to be less obvious about stealing the election this time?

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McReady has been vigorously fund raising but heā€™s not big on accountability. How much money has he raised? What has he spend it on so far?

Hmm, open primary. I think Stony Rushingā€™s chances of winning the republican nomination just went up.

Also, did the commission even think of scheduling the special election for a saturday, or would that be too voter-friendly?

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Probably too friendly, but if you cannot make it to the voting place, they will gladly send someone by to collect your ballot.

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