It would not surprise me in the least if NC turns very blue this year.
That’s a deep hole for Dems to dig out of, but I am hopeful. If Dems by some miracle get both houses, I want them to move immediately to redistrict the state in 2019 without waiting for the results of the 2020 census. This should be the standard play from now on when Dems take back legislatures after the GOP has redistricted to its advantage. Now, whether they use a “non-partisan” plan or a Dem-favorable plan is something else to be discussed.
First priority should be expanding Medicaid; Tar Heels are suffering and dying for literally no reason other than spite.
So which redistricting map gets used for 2018? The surgical strike one or something else?
The courts will decide.
Yep. Redistrict immediately, using a non-partisan plan. Won’t lessen GOP outrage any (one of the delightful things about NC’s Republican bubble has been the constant peals of “Well, sure we’re breaking all the rules, but the Democrats did the same to us for decades” from Republicans whose political legacy is that of the Dixiecrats). But it establishes the Dems as the party of actual law and order and a functioning political system. Lay down some rules, take away their fucking toys and win the marginal voters who are sick of the goddamn circus.
No can do.
Article 1, Section 2, of the United States Constitution requires congressional reapportionment to be based on the decennial census.
State districts are usually done the same way and at the same time, but individual state law governs that process.
Tell that to Texas.
You can redistrict whenever you want, apparently.
Won’t they just have to do it over again after the census?
For congressional reapportionment, they must wait until after the census—it’s a Constitutional mandate that cannot be changed willy-nilly by any state.
While I think it’s a smart play to capitalize off of Trump’s incompetency and hateful message, we also have to re-brand ourselves the party of the working class. We’ve lost that message, and need to re-hone it. Campaigning on just anti-Trump may not be enough.
They’ve held veto-proof majorities since 2013, allowing them to impose a right-leaning agenda
Er, OK. Never mind that the NC GOP has lost its neofascist mind and acted accordingly.
I’ve always been mystified about why Ds have failed to use the word “extremist” in relation to the GOP. “Extremist rightwing.” Centrist voters will get it and feel addressed. And use of the phrase will by default allow the Ds occupy the space of moderation even as the party moves left.
The majority of the working class in the US is not white and they already know.
If you’re talking about the white working class, then it’s problematic. That’s where most of our racism resides.
The Democratic voting base is African American pure and simple - they turn out we win.
Slightly OT, but why do North Carolina and New Hampshire have much larger state legislatures than California, the 5th or 6th largest economy, have?
Agreed. However, there are “working class” white areas that went for Obama twice, that flipped to Trump. These sort of areas are the areas I’m talking about. In fact, in can be argued that the 18000 “well placed votes” that swung the election to the raping pig, are because of these types of voters. Trump’s agenda has given dems the ammo to go back into these places and say “look, he’s taking medicare/caid away! and wants to take your SSI away too! We’ll make sure it stays where it is!”
You are welcome to try to persuade them to vote for whomever. I don’t know what it will work and I have no idea why they flipped if they really did. There was no reason for it outside of the racism Trump campaigned on so if you think you can find a way that everybody else has missed, go for it. I think it’s a waste of time and energy and resources that could better used to fight voter suppression and turn out African American voters - they turn out we win. It’s simple.
As a NCer living outside Raleigh, I kind of would be surprised. RTP area may be blue but most white folks in the state are very red even if they might think Donald is an idiot.
Yes, in 2021 they’ll do it again, and it’ll be a big change because NC will be gaining 1 district (from 13 to 14). But meanwhile, redistricting in 2019 helps elect a fairly balanced delegation in 2020. Or, a Dem heavy balance if Dems decide it’s fun to play like Republicans did when they took over.