Discussion: North Carolina Bill Blocks Local Govts From Passing LGBT Protections

yep yep yepā€¦ the giant all inclusive Republican tent just keeps getting smaller and smallerā€¦

will Sen Graham be welcome in the North now?


What a bunch of wallys .

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FOX: Good idea indeed. This keeps the govt smaller. All laws must be approved by State.
Trump: I will make it even better. I will be the only one approving any law in USA, efficient and cheaper.
FOX: Even better. Republican president can make any law he wants.


Nice to see how much the one-day session cost. I hope they track the cost of all the court challenges, too.


North Carolina legislators decided to rein in local governments by approving a bill that prevents cities and counties from passing their own anti-discrimination rules. Gov. Pat McCrory later signed the legislation, which dealt a blow to human rights after success with protections in cities across the country.


The new law also would also make clear local governments canā€™t require area businesses to pay workers above the current minimum wage, with some exceptions. McCrory said that although items beyond the bathroom-related provisions in the legislation should have waited until later this spring for debate, he signed it anyway because it doesnā€™t change existing rights under state or federal law.



Paul Ryan speaking about Trump three weeks ago: ā€œThis party does not prey on peopleā€™s prejudices. We appeal to their highest ideals. This is the party of Lincoln.ā€

Always good for a laugh.


Every Democrat in North Carolina who couldnā€™t be bothered to vote in 2010 and 2012, and every one of the 100-200K damnfools who split their ballot to vote for Obama and McCrory own a piece of this, and every other horrible thing these idiot yahoos have done for the last six years.


I think itā€™s very telling that the number one cause the political right and large swaths of mainstream christianity in this country are pushing is not helping the poor, or managing the economy, or worrying about jobsā€¦ itā€™s fighting for the right for businesses to discriminate against groups they donā€™t like. Yet, they have the gall to call the left ā€˜morally bankruptā€™ ha!


And the countdown clock on when this gets overturned by a court of law starts in 3ā€¦2ā€¦1ā€¦


ā€œItā€™s common sense ā€” biological men should not me be in womenā€™s showers,
locker rooms and bathrooms,ā€ said GOP Rep. Dean Arp of Monroe before
the chamber voted 82-26 for the legislation after nearly three hours of

Iā€™m confused. A man who has had his genitals surgically removed and now has breasts and vagina and dresses like a woman should shower with the men? And the opposite case is equally mind-blowing if not more so.
Not sure if I need more coffee or something stronger, or maybe I could try standing on my head although Iā€™m a bit old for it, but I am definitely not getting this.


In a speech a leading Republican said, ā€œWe need to end government overreach trampling peopleā€™s rights. We need local control of governmā€¦What? Weā€™re doing the other thing? Why didnā€™t they tell me?..Ahem, we need to stand up against the dangerous imaginary threat posed by a tiny portion of the population and can only do that by overreaction and fear! Also, since weā€™re fucking people over, we might as well get everyone. No living wage allowed.ā€


Apparently the GOP 10th Amendment argument against a strong central government has its natural limits.


I have been trying to figure this one out too. You pass a law that says some people who dress and look like men have to use womenā€™s bathrooms, and some people who dress and look like women have to use menā€™s bathrooms. (And identify as the sex they dress/look like, and as far as any sane person is concerned are that sex, but Iā€™m trying to be at least the tiniest bit charitable to the crazy transphobes).

WT effing F.

Iā€™m wondering what the police do when they get complaints of a man in a womenā€™s bathroom ā€“ I guess they have to ask for a DNA test before they can make an arrestā€¦


Youā€™re thinking about this all wrong. You are taking into consideration the practical ramifications of the legislation. Republicans donā€™t do that ever.


Well, when I see a law that mandates the precise opposite of what the people passing it say it mandates, Iā€™m confused. I am just too reality-based.


The next SCourt justice is going to have such fun knocking down all of these indecent, discriminatory LGBT bills. Everyone knows it but them.

Why do Republicans waste taxpayer money with these useless exercises in futility. They canā€™t win national elections any longer acting this way and they canā€™t make people hate others with laws that are unconstitutional. They keep spinning their wheels and getting stuck even deeper.

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What they are REALLY worried about is; ā€œIf I stalk and attempt to rape a women in the public bathroom, and it turns out to be a transgendered MAN, does that make me Gay?ā€
These are the kind of things Republican ā€œFamily Valuesā€ men worry about, so they passed a law to prevent such extensional angst.


Current Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts, who pressed to get the anti-discrimination ordinance approved, said she was appalled by the legislatureā€™s actions.

ā€œThe General Assembly is on the wrong side of progress. It is on the wrong side of history,ā€ Roberts said in a statement. But McCrory said in a release ā€œthe basic expectation of privacy in the most personal of settingsā€ was violated by ā€œgovernment overreach and intrusionā€ by Roberts and the city council.

Itā€™s reassuring to learn there are some sane people in government in NC, and hopefully, they will rally to reverse this despicable action by the NC legislature.


The anti-transgender part of the bill is bad enough but restricting local governments from fixing a higher minimum wage is a real blow to people of all sexual orientations. In fact it is a much bigger story.