Discussion: North Carolina Asked Feds To Indict Alleged Fraudster Last Year

This guy is the perfect posterboy for voter fraud- ex-felon who seems to be a repeat offender. He’s involving family and friends in his criminal behavior. He’s preying on older, unsuspecting people. He’s getting paid to commit these crimes.

Since he works for Republicans, is White, connected and is victimizing poor elderly African Americans, it must be okay. Let’s face it, Republicans in North Carolina have been doing everything they can to maintain power after losing the governorship in 2016. They gerrymandered districts prior to 2016, and have tried time and again to rig the election system so it benefits them. If you’ve never heard an interview with Dallas Woodhouse, executive director of NC GOP, you just don’t understand how willing the NC GOP is to sink into criminal and unethical behavior to retain control of that state. tRump’s people are busy trying to push his agenda of chasing immigrants who voted illegally, so arresting a White guy for stealing votes for a Republican is way out of bounds.

Nothing is going to happen without a lot of pressure to arrest and convict this guy.


One odd thing about this, though, is that the state Attorney General is a Democrat—and is in no sense a DINO, though he’s probably more conservative than the national party, as you might expect in North Carolina. I’m wondering why Josh Stein didn’t make more noise—though it may be that the GOP stripped the AG’s office of the power to prosecute, or something. I wouldn’t put it past them.

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So why wouldn’t the US Attorney for whatever district in NC step in? Oh that’s right the VRA was de-fanged.

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This wouldn’t even come under VRA. It’s just plain election fraud. But the US attorney in question was too busy screaming about voting by furriners to bother with election fraud by citizens.

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Yeah I guess it’s OK to disenfranchise your own, but them funny sounding and looking people…

harris absolutely knew he was hiring a “ballot harvester”. dowless did the same type of thing for him in the primary.


Oh, yeah—the USDOJ looks bad here. I’m not disputing it (in fact, I sent in a tip via the link on the front page when I saw local reporting about this last week). But I do wonder what the NCDOJ could have done.

Yup. They crippled the department with massive budget cut. The chaos the mass layoffs this compelled alone could’ve made it difficult for them to take on the case.

North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein was taken by surprise this week when lawmakers he used to work beside as a state senator cut $10 million from the state Department of Justice budget with very specific targets.

Read more here: https://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/state-politics/article157510939.html#storylink=cpy

Every American should read this. I seethe when I think of how the mainstream news media has glossed over this, framing it as nothing more than a product of polarized politics of both sides if they cover it at all. Their unwillingness to call out the GOP is a massive failure. I used to think it was an overzealous ideological adherence to “objectivity” but now I just think it’s because owners, producers and editors are rich f—-s that want republicans in power because they screw the poor and feed them (& their friends) more.

In 2016, shortly after North Carolina voted to replace Republican Gov. Pat McCrory with Democrat Roy Cooper, GOP legislators sprang into action. Aided by an unconstitutional gerrymander, Republican legislators passed a raft of measures stripping the incoming governor of power. In a lame-duck special session, the legislature deprived Cooper of his authority over the state elections board, preventing him from restoring voting rights throughout the state. They also denied Cooper the ability to appoint hundreds of employees to the executive branch in an effort to immobilize it, and packed state commissions with allies. Later, they restructured the judiciary to preclude Cooper from appointing judges, attempted to throw state Supreme Court elections, slashed the budget of his attorney general, and barred the governor from suing to block unconstitutional laws.


I recall reading that NC GOP passed legislation saying the legal students at University could no longer work on cases for government. This also crippled their effectiveness (on top of slashing AG budget by $10 million).

The NC GOP did everything they could to ensure their lawlessness went uncontested. Same thing is happening in Wisconsin and Michigan but… “both sides”.


Yes here in Wisconsin we perhaps have fallen the farthest, the fastest. And it might as well have been a media blackout in the state. While the republicans were taking axes and chainsaws to everything most Americans should hold sacred. There was no outrage in the papers, no coverage of any kind on local nightly news. For 8 years. What Walker and Fitzgerald/Vos pulled in the last weeks hardly makes a ripple. Combination: Stunning lack of coverage/failure of journalism and numbing lack of give a fuck by the populace. BARELY elected a Dem as governor. Didn’t move the needle on R stranglehold of state legislature.


I’m just worried that this will be a signal to all the other SoS to go ask for authority to prosecute like Kobach. And speaking of Kobach will his authority die with him leaving office, or will the new SoS use it?

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Wait! You mean to tell me that a GOP US Attorney did nothing to investigate or charge a GOP operative and convicted felon from acting in a felonious manner while stealing ballots and performing voter fraud? But-but-but, how can this be? The GOP are steadfast defenders of the sacrament of the purity of the vote! This must be fake news!

Unfortunately, it’s not fake news at all. This demonstrates that the GOP is a cult of lying, cheating, vote stealing criminals. A long, long time ago I was a Republican. I left the party because it was not what it claimed to be. It is not Conservative in monetary policy. It does not support Liberty. We now observe that it’s no longer the party that I left…it is much, much worse. It is fascist. It is authoritarian. It is full of racists (“There were good people on both sides”) and religious bigots (the American Taliban) who wish to impose their religious views.

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More like 2 years. RM covered it about that long after NPR/This American Life broke the story, way back when

I think it’s safe to say the entire GOP is an extremist anti democratic institution willing to overlook or even perpetrate crimes to get and maintain power.

Next time I ever hear someone say, as I heard Frances Fox Piven say right before the election of GWB, that both National Parties are identical, and that the Democrats must be punished by their more progressive voters, I would like to hear your quote emphatically and frequently. Followed by the statement “John Roberts, Sam Alito, Neil Gorsuch and Brett El Boofer Kavanaugh.”


To be fair, Susan Sarandon told us this would accelerate the Revolution. Isn’t it great how that’s all working out?

(And I solemnly swear she is now on the list of people who’s artisitic works I will completely and utterly boycott for the rest of my natural days…)

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Oh f*ck!!! And I thought Whittaker’s House Judiciary committee hearing was going to be a doozy based on his sycophancy and shady private endeavors.

Reconstruction is a long, and challenging task


I’m sorry to hear that. I hoped local WI coverage might be a bit better than national or elsewhere. I can only imagine your frustration from my perch in CA.

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North Carolina’s top elections official issued an urgent plea nearly two years ago for the Trump administration to file criminal charges…

And they didn’t do it?!

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I don’t recall ordering up a revolution. Do you?

It’s going to be, provided it happens. I don’t think the Senate’s going to shove the throttle to firewall to get Barr in place now, so I think it’s going to happen. I wish I had the popcorn concession for it, too.