A perfect match. They both make my skin crawl.
I’ll let James Brown respond for me!
Every time I think the GOP race has hit bottom, they prove me wrong…
it’s like a surreal parallel universe or something. You couldn’t make this stuff up if you wanted to.
I cannot think of a worst choice, even for Cruz. She provides absolutely nothing positive and violates the Primary Rule #1 for VP selection…Do No Harm.
She has zero juice in the GOP, even in CA. Her campaign is in debt…again. She offers no donors, no supporters, no delegates…absolutely nothing.
And in a General election, she would be an anchor around his neck. Not that he doesn’t a gazillion of those already, but adding one more isn’t going to be helping.
Didn’t know she was still flying around on her broomstick. Sociopaths attract!
Why do you suppose Cruz would leak that?
Cruz and Snarly are truly a match made in HELL.
What about her gender?
Perhaps an antidote to Hillary, in just that narrow way?
Cruz and Snarly?
Why they’re the perfect GOTP ticket!
Dumb and Dumber meet Despised and Despicable.
Snarly is quite possibly even more personally repellent than Cruz himself, so at least she makes him look good by comparison.
Well I will hand it to Cruz that his arrogance is a benchmark for constancy.
Too bad this ticket will never see the light of day. It’s hard to believe that two such unattractive people–and I don’t mean physically–would ever be nominated by any party. What targets they’d make!
The GOP VP nominee is going to be a woman, any woman, for exactly that reason. Should be great to watch Drumpf treat her like shit too.
Hilarity - he headhunts the one former candidate who is actually uglier than he is.
Yea I think she lines up better with Trump…you know, the bankruptcy thing and all…
Thanks, I needed a good joke to tell at cocktail hour.
According to a report from the Weekly Standard,
the Cruz campaign is vetting former Republican presidential candidate
and Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina for vice president.
Welp, she can certainly assist in measuring the White House drapes I suppose.