Trump: “Oh, there were Jews involved? My daughter married one of those. Well, anyway___ Those Nazis were terrible. Really bad. Bigly evil. Neo-nazis though? They’re new, it’s right there in the name. Neo is Latinish for new.…they’re new and improved. I’m a smart person so I know that. They’re new, a whole different deal. So we should give them a chance. Also, I like their passion. Really great. Terrific passion.”
Somebody needs to be frog marched into a dorm room down the hall from Benedict XVI…
I clarified my answer, but again he likely he sees American Jews , as an important voting bloc.
If they weren’t needed…
You mean the alternative facts history textbook?
That is indeed the title of one of the chapters…
Which shows how absolutely INSANE Don is! The guy is completely nuts!
Watch out for those “givens.” For example, the Bill of Rights is a given, but it’s badly in need of re-examination, understanding and protection right now.
Six million died in the Shoah, mostly Jews; and that’s because the feeling against the Jews was stronger and had deeper roots than feelings towards any other group sent to the concentration camps. And it’s still a strong sentiment. Very uncomfortable for some people to accept how strong it is.
If we do not re-state our values constantly we will lose them. If we do not remember history we will forget what happened. The Nazis wanted to destroy all Jews and wipe out all memory of their existence. It would have been good to have that remembered, and specifically, by the man who is our president.
I seem to recall that the estimates are 10-12 million murdered with about half being Jews.The rest were – you name it --Russians, Catholics, some POWs, mentally disabled, captured agents.
Jews, of course, were the main target and probably the fulfillment of a Hitler fantasy going back decades.
No no no. That was just a sheriff’s badge shown over a background of money! Everyone knows that.
At least he toned down Bannon’s first draft in which he denied that the whole thing ever took place. Just more masterful “presidenting” from the least-qualified man to sit in the office for many, many years. Imagine his re-election slogan (if he gets that far): “Still better than Franklin Pierce!”
Get the hook.
Many were people who happened to live in some town in Poland or Russia. And you forgot gay people, except for lesbians who they didn’t usually notice.
I don’t think Trump is an anti-Semite, but he chooses to keep company with those that are, and one is known for the company one keeps. I think an anti-Semite would have disowned a daughter who converted, and not have a working relationship with a Jewish son-in-law.
I think Bannon wrote the announcement, and Trump with his lack of critical thinking failed to notice the omission.
Also, it’s important to remember the difference between these other groups and Jews in Nazi ideology. The others were simply useless feeders. Jews were an existential threat.
Great comment, except he’s not my president.
Fundamentally unfit for the job. Embarrassing.
It’s different. Obama directives: illegal, unconstitutional, dictatorial.
Trump directives: Patriotic.
Re: Trump, Anti-semitism and having a jewish SIL
It is same phenomenon that leads to headlines like this
But not Christians in general. Only the right kind of Christians. Their kind of Christians.
And the help they received in getting to this land of Liberty —
It’s Beyond strange to have a jew-hater directing the Republican Party, controlling speeches to be delivered by the president