The real reason he has pro Isreal backers …there are those religionists who want to preserve the Isreali nation in order to fulfil the end times prophecy. They are literally working to bring about the apocalypse…the Jews are incidental…It will be Christians who Jesus saves…In their opinion.
JEWs? WHy do ThE jeWs wAnt to mAke everytHing about JewS?
Out of deference to the Bannons and Conways of the Trump administration we should probably refer to Holocaust denial as “alternative Holocaust facts” from now on.
Exactly my take. It’s like when Rush Limbaugh asks “Why can rappers and comedians use the N word but I can’t?” Because they aren’t racists and you are.
So that man did something good, even if inadvertently.
Jared is too busy having a welcome home party for his felon of a father, since just getting out of prison and taking back the family company.
He’s sees American Jews as an important voting bloc.
If they weren’t.
plenty of people in germany stood on the sidelines …“how bad could he be”…well…now it is to late…did you think bannon was there because he makes good coffee?
Yep, the fucking whackjob evangelicals in a mad rush to meet Jesus…
ThinK of ALL the WhitE peoPLe who,had to ProVide blacKs with Food anD clothing All The While they Were steaLing jobs white peoPle could do. ThaT was A dark stain ON our country.
If only Trump could see a panoramic photo of everyone, everywhere staring at him over smart phones and TVs in shock and embarrassment…
It is especially troubling in Trumpp’s case, for the reasons you mention.
But, I think it is absolutely necessary for any President to be clear that the Nazis targeted specific groups for elimination. Most of the groups targeted by the Nazis are still targets of hate and discrimination in the US today. “Better than the Nazis” is not good enough. We need to be different from the Nazis.
Great golf pun…
Edit: I think the Donald plays “Callow Way”
While the omission of reference to Jews in the statement is troubling–especially given its provenance–as a Jew and a Zionist I have long felt that it is vital that all of the victims of Nazi crimes be included, so that the world will accept the Nazi barbarism for what it was: More than the singling out of one group, an attack on all of civilization and humanity.
The only thing I could see stopping Trump from making such a speech is that if he left out African-Americans all together he couldn’t complain about how ungrateful they were for all the “free” food and lodgings.
“Enough about them, let’s talk about me!”
Seriously, though. 6 million kinda seems like a lot until you realize it’s what, barely half?, of how many people attended his 1/21 inauguration!!
What the others before me said, plus the “breaks with tradition” part. It didn’t happen in vacuum. Every indicator points in the same direction.
I think that textbook is gonna need a new revised and enlarged edition soon…
Stop for a moment and imagine if Obama would have said and done similar outlandish things during his first week in office.
But he did in the eyes of some…
Admittedly the some was bigoted and misguided…