Discussion: No Jail Time For Ex-NYPD Officer Who Fatally Shot Akai Gurley In Stairwell

This is disgusting how you can get away with killing Black people. I… just can’t. :frowning:


Even when you get a conviction, the PROSECUTORS don’t even want jail time for them. Totally disgusted.


I guess “accountability” means different things for different races^H^H^H^H^Hpeople.


Maybe the law should just be changed. No charges for killing black man as long as you say “woops”. I thought all cops had to take CPR, what if his partner was shot?

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The article fails to mention that the reason Liang didn’t assist Gurley after shooting him was because he was busy texting his union rep to find out how he could get out of what he just did.


He’s not a scapegoat. He shot and killed a man, completely without cause. He then called his union rep rather than call for medical assistance for his victim. He deserves to be in jail, and if he weren’t a cop he would be. For a long time! This is more than sad, and it conveys a very obvious picture of what justice is…and isn’t…in this country.


When it’s a successul defense that you were acting with reckless disregard for a black person’s life rather than the actual malice that too many other officers have displayed, things are just as horrible as they seem.

Ok, so if I’m following this right the NYPD rules for getting away with killing black people are:

If you are white and you choke a black man to death using a technique forbidden by NYPD policy because of the risk of it killing someone - you get off scott-free, not trial, no legal punishment, no nothing.

If you are Asian and you negligently discharge your firearm and kill a black man with the ricochet - they’ll take it to trial and convict you of manslaughter, but then the judge will reduce the sentence and give you probation and community service.

So it seems the take away is that the NYPD and the NY legal system are racist even when it comes to helping NYPD officers get away with killing black people.

And they wonder why black folks distrust the system and have precious little respect for law enforcement.


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Why even have a jury trial if your just going disregard their verdict?