The downside to Republicans supporting Hillary over Trump . . . We are going to hear for days from the Berners how this proves Hillary is a Republican.
Republicans staying home = lots of help for down ticket (D) candidates.
Those that truly believe that are as hopelessly deluded and irrational as are Tea Party members.
They’ll all dutifully cast a ballot for Trump on election day. Book it.
You’re probably right. But, reading this article, for at least today, has brought me great comfort.
Because absent of that, they will have nothing else they will want to bitch about for the next four years. /s
Unfortunately, this won’t make up for voter suppression and gerrymandering.
I agree. Republicans have no core beliefs other than “Die, liberals, die!”
Hillary just released a devastating anti-Trump ad …using nothing but footage of Republicans
I shouldn’t have poked on that twitter thingy.
Yes, it’s prudent to be verrrry skeptical that all these folks will follow through on their brave words about not voting for Trump, but for at least one day I’m enjoying stuff like this from raging asshole conservative Erick Erickson:
“Twenty years ago Republicans supported impeaching the President of the United States for lying under oath in office and having an affair in the Oval Office,” Erickson wrote. "Now that same party is on the verge of nominating a serial philanderer and pathological liar. At the very least the GOP owes Bill Clinton an apology.’
I shouldn’t have poked on that twitter thingy.
Never venture there without wearing protection.
I’m a DUMB ASS…,fl_keep_iptc,g_faces,h_154,w_300/ukehellshmqpvjizxa9m.jpg
I can live with that. The Bernie Bros stay home to hold their breath on election day. The Dems and 20% of Republicans vote Clinton. 40% of Republicans stay home with the Sanders supporters, and Donald Trump gets 40% of the Republican base. Clinton wins, like, 57 states, and I get drunk on Scotch and schadenfreude!
Not one of them has a remotely compelling reason why their favorite was any damned better. Besides, Republicans aren’t born assholes. It’s a learned behavior, and these guys are like the professors emeritus.
Some republicans actually stand by their conservative values
and not hate, bigotry and violence like the donalds fools.
My hat goes of to the real republican party. I remember when liberals and republicans could work things out. Then fox news and rush limbaugh came along and hijacked the whole republican party and turned it into the party of shame that you see today.
When these republicans can admit that George W. Bush and president dick Cheney came into office were the beginning of the end of their party then they will have my respect for as long as I live.
I am positive that the Donald and fox news are up to something here and I can’t help to believe that Kasich was forced to suspend his candidacy and told e would be VP. He got to emotional today something was very wrong I think he doesn’t want to be another Chris Christie. Just aa hunch. Sorry I can’t put this pass the Donald he is that kind of trash.
I think there will be more of those types of voters than we realize.