Discussion: No-Confidence Vote Ousts A Spanish Prime Minister For First Time In 40 Years

Are we absolutely certain that isn’t George Clooney with a little Hollywood magic to suggest a little Spanish flair?

Physical attributes aside, I wonder how this turn of events will change the political standoff over the future of Catalan? Rajoy employed a lot of dickish maneuvers that only served to ratchet up the tension rather than diffuse it. Here’s hoping saner heads prevail before a war of (mostly) words to date becomes something much worse.


Often I wish that we had a parliamentary system here in the U.S. Who knows? Maybe we would have moved past Trump in just a few months.


Sanchez and his party are staunch supporters of the EU and the continent’s shared currency.

The Madrid stock exchange was up nearly 1.6 percent after Sanchez won the vote, earning a standing ovation from his party’s lawmakers.

Very interesting. I would have thought that the Socialist Party would have fought against EU participation.

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Yes, Podemos is an anti-EU party. Sanchez is saying he’ll work to oppose his own party’s fiscal platform. I’m skeptical this will be a stable government.