Discussion for article #228050
It’s clear from the video that they did not give him a chance to obey instructions if any were given before shooting him.
Also the lady that died from a heart attack walked right by him a couple of times just before the police arrived. She is in the video also with her kids. She wasn’t panicked, at least not until police shot Crawford while she was one aisle over.
Video of the shooting
Thoroughly disgusted with this country’s justice system, these so called secret grand jury’s need to come to an end,
So…police don’t feel threatened when a white person is open carrying a REAL rifle, but do when a black person has a fake one?
Maybe justice will find these officers, I mean murderers.
What a disgusting display of injustice. We must demand Holder hold an independent investigation. This was a good man from all accounts and his death can not go unchallenged. We as a civil society must stand for him and for his family and babies who will never know their dad. We must not sit for this injustice.
““This was a real tragedy,” DeGraffenreid said in a telephone interview.
But she said that based on what the officers had been told when they
entered the Wal-Mart, they were doing what they were trained to do.”
So they just shoot and ask questions later. No trying to see what is going on first. Just yell at them and if they don’t respond and do as told in a second you just let it rip with bullets? They did not handle the situation in the proper manner and if that is the training they are getting we have to question who thought that murdering someone instead of assessing the situation rationally was a good idea and then get rid of them.
Horrible, watching someone who has no idea his life is about to end. The cops as in hunting for helpless prey. Made me sick to watch, as if that wasn’t my feeling associated with Walmart already.