Discussion: Nikki Haley: 'You're Not Hearing Me Defend' Trump's Communication Style

“I’m not throwing him under the bus, I’m just not pulling him out from under it.”


Dumpy`s communication style is that he cannot read or write . Dumpy tells his tweeter what to tweet .


She says “it should go through the process. But they need to do it quickly. For the good of the country, this investigation needs to happen quickly.”

Exactly! Just like Whitewater, or Benghazi. Get it over with quickly. For the sake of the country, of course.


Not really hearing you denounce it either.

It’s all about sucking up to the big baby currently sitting in his Oval Office playpen.


The other way to read that, though, is in exactly the same way that commenters here have said the exact same thing Haley has: “Let’s get the goods on him and get him out of office/in jail as soon as possible.”

There was a Politico profile on Haley a while back that focused on her appearing loyal to Trump and yet keeping her political distance from him–in hopes, people speculated, of running for some future office as unburdened by Trump’s baggage as possible. Judging by the quotes in this article, this interview with her very much fits in that plan.


It’s sad and infuriating to see a person dabbling in having integrity. It just doesn’t work that way. First of all, Nikki, the SC process doesn’t need to happen quickly. There’s zero necessity for that. So as a humbly offered suggestion, butt out? Second, “not hearing me defend” is like those hand signals in a hostage photo. It says you want to fight back and maintain your integrity but you can’t. Not in any way that matters. Has Trump changed his “communication style” as a result of your fierce private remonstrances? No? Then it doesn’t much matter what you do, does it?


But, but, Trump is very receptive to what she has to say! Just like Trump was receptive to the Parkland shooting survivors.


Too late Nikki. ETTD. There is no escape from being forever known as one of his minions. Nuances do not stand up to industrial strength PAC money.


“Communication style” - see: mislead, prevaricate, lie…continually, pathologically, compulsively, routinely.

You know, Nikki, when you don’t have the courage to call his “communication style” what it really is, you are an enabler, you are complicit, and you are complicating the problem.


Besides, Nikki, as he constantly reminds us: we knew he was a snake when we picked him up.


“if there is anything that he communicates in a way that I’m uncomfortable with, I pick up the phone and call him.”

Funny…it doesn’t look like a phone is glued to the side of her face. Which would pretty much be required for that statement to be true.


I feel another Trump staff resignation coming soon…

Methinks someone is thinking about 2020.


Oh, but you will, Nikki. You will.
“I was, like, you know, MISCONSTRUED!”

There is no political distance from Trump.
Once you accept an offer to work for him, the stank is there for good.
“Former Trump appointee”. Yeah, I really want that on MY resumé.


for the good of the country, this investigation should countinue to do the job congress won’t - disrupt executve overreach. and it should continue until such time as congress gets off its partisan asses and begins serving the nation. but then, rome fell to tyranny not once, but twice, due to the misfeasance of its erstwhile legislators.

I am sure that Trump’s nomination of torture-mama Gina Haspel for CIA director is going to make your UN appearances all sunshine and roses in the upcoming days, Nikki. Have fun defending your boss’s choice to the rest of the world.
Hugs and thumbscrews, Dommy!


First of all, everything that Trump touches he turns it into merde, no scaping you been on board for 16 months, you stink, and the stench is not coming off, you can try this but it won’t work.

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Nimrata is upset that Trump is claiming all the credit for North Korea. She feels that her fiery speeches at ther UN made all the difference. She wants at least to share the Nobel. If she keeps that attitude Trump is going to bitch slap her.

Needless to say, nothing has been achieved in the Korean Peninsula, and beside the guy has that has taken all the risks and played the superpowers like a master is Kim Jung-Un.