Discussion: 'Nightly Show' Panel: Why Isn't Donald Trump Treated Like Donald Sterling? (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #243329

Because the NBA has ethical standards and the GOP does not.


And once again Comedy Central cuts to the core issue while the mainstream media ignore it and in fact tacitly approve of it.


The Donnie will be attacked by the GOP establishment and forced out. He won’t spend his own cash on an independent run. Rubio picks Issa as his V.P. and the TEA-hadists just might write in The Donnie.

It’s a good question. My answer is that Trump is just another example of Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s “Defining Deviancy Down”; the first time it is shocking, the second, third, fourth not so much, and then we have to make rationalizations to avoid guilt. Newtown was shocking. Charleston was less so and became a flag story. Umpqua College was less, and became a mental illness story. The blasĂ© acceptance that you might get shot is now a fact of American life.

Trump has defined the “brand” down so much, the “N” world will soon be everyday.

“I just don’t understand how America decided to treat Donald Sterling a certain way and not Donald Trump. Donald Sterling talked his shit, but he did it privately,” contributor Rickey Velez said during the panel discussion on Tuesday night’s show. “In his announcement, ‘Mexicans are rapists.’ That’s crazy! [Trump] called them racists and it’s fine.”

Why is this?

Because the people to whom you are broadcasting your snark are interested more in laughs than voting.

No country which calls itself a “world leader” can consistently “lead” with an overwhelming majority of its citizens not participating in the selection of its leaders. The Congressional 2014 elections had a 36% participation rate. I would have felt far more gratified if these slugs (non-voters) had simply stated that the “system” no longer works and, therefore cannot see fit to vote. THEN there could have been dialogue about it.

Maybe that’s funny!?!?

Different markets. Trump knows his customers, who like and expect to hear what he’s saying; Sterling forgot who his customers were.

Interesting similarities. They’re both lizards, but in different markets.


The difference between Donald Sterling and Donald Trump is that Trump has thousands of volunteer brown shirts, and Sterling did not.

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While it’s temping to say: “We’re better than that!” :innocent:

let’s remember that the U.S. has consistently made Rush Limbaugh the most
successful voice on radio, and rewards his racist (never mind misogynist) rants with
~$79 million a year
 (Forbes says “the 11th highest earning celebrity in the world.”)

Anyone surprised that Trump is riding high in the polls while spewing racist stuff
has just not been paying attention. A huge chunk of America thinks that way
(and having DJs & reality TV stars say it out loud, let’s them quietly feel good without risk)

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[quote=“TwoWolves, post:4, topic:29602”]
The Donnie will be attacked by the GOP establishment and forced out.
[/quote]I have heard that before and am still waiting.

[quote=“TwoWolves, post:4, topic:29602”]
He won’t spend his own cash on an independent run.
[/quote]He’s spending his money NOW in a GOP run. So, what’s the difference? The hard part would be getting on all the states with the proper paperwork for a 3rd party run. So far Trump has campaigned on the cheap with the media as his lap dog spewing his every pronouncement. He has only his own bankroll and no establishment GOP support but he doesn’t give a shit. He is right out of “A Face in the Crowd” as @MattinPA has pointed out on another thread.
To me it is profoundly disturbing that Trump has the support he does from crackers, racists, know-nothings, dim bulbs and did I say racists? It disturbs me to no end that there are enough of these people to get him elected.


lol the nba having ethical standards

sweet summer child

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“[Trump] is the personification of internet comments.”
(present medium excepted, of course)

There are so many caucasians and minorities who have been devastated by what Murdoch and Ailes have unleashed upon the United States.

Understand that both you and I know that the underbelly of America has always been there. But FOX and Talk Radio (but ESPECIALLY FOX) gave it a voice. And through a cyber-induced myopia which separates younger people from “the world outside the screen”, there has not really been a pushback.

And maybe, with all the money thrown on this by the 0.001% it may not have made a difference.

So Hate Rules and we have now an ugliness which I am not sure can be overcome.

Anyone who has raised a child knows that it takes 1,000 “attaboys” to overcome a harsh experience.

And these Republicans have succeeded with the spewing of filth in a fashion I would not have believed possible in 1997.

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Wow. That’s really saying something.

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Or Rod Serling?