Discussion for article #222371
These people are on their own. The leaders are are worried about their selves and have no concern for the citizens.
Criminal. Absolutely criminal. Of course its obvious that the First Lady of Nigeria is only doing what her husband thinks would look very bad for him to do. What the hell is wrong with this picture?
These young girls lives seem to mean nothing to them. Jonathan
needs to rethink his leadership and take his insensitive joke of a wife with him.
A pithy comment should go here–but have you ever seen an item where the situation is so dire, and the response so disgusting that you just didn’t even know what to say?
For one thing–the First Lady had them arrested? Seriously? Nigeria is so effed up that the First Lady can have people arrested for political reasons?
Also, Mrs. Jonathon really needs someone to sit her over-kissed ass down and explain the “Barbra Streisand effect.”