Discussion: Nigerian President: ‘Best Thing For Me Is To Keep Quiet’ About Sh*thole Remarks

If I had a dollar for every question journalists should have asked DT or any republican in the last couple of years, I could buy every Trump property and turn them into petting zoos and still have plenty of cash left over.


So are you intimating that the level of vetting in the Trump maladministration has nowhere to go but up?

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Slightly OT but addressed in the presence of the President of Nigeria, a country which has lots of Muslim citizens…

(via cnn.com) ““There’s no reason to apologize,” Trump said during a joint news conference
alongside the President of Nigeria when asked if he would apologize for
his call during the 2016 presidential campaign for a “total and
complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States. There’s nothing
to apologize for. We have to have strong immigration laws to protect
our country.””

trump called for a total and complete ban on Muslims coming to America during the campaign. Which forces me to wonder if trump supports the First Amendment of the document he swore to “preserve, protect, and defend” in his oath of office. But then we all know what oaths and promises mean to a guy who has stiffed people he does business with, and has been divorced twice for infidelity.

Interesting to consider that statement (“nothing to apologize for”) in light of his solicitor General ‘s argument to the Supreme Court last week that the Oath of office produced a “transformation” of the oath taker that rendered all campaign statements irrelevant to determining discriminatory intent

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Trump has no dignity at all.


Somewhat OT, but NBC reporting that Kelly calls Trump an idiot, and he says things proving his misogyny. Almost assuredly true, but also true that someone in the White House really has it in for Kelly. Paging John Bolton…

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Now, when do I get my free dinner?

Michelle Wolf was unavailable for comment.

“But we didn’t discuss it because the President knows … where I’m coming from.”

Really. Ask him to find it on a map.

Oh, I love that idea! Would the orange shitgibbon be one of the attractions? Not that any would want to even touch it, much less pet it.

Trump would not recognize the distinction. To him repayment is a gift by another name, and, well, Melania’s birthday . . .

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Believe it, man. No one would be easier to scam. He’s used to taking money from foreigners, no questions asked.

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Were I one of the Justices sitting on that august bench this would have been my response to the Solicitor General:

I have seen no kind of “transformation” or “pivot to being presidential” in trump. NOT.ONE.IOTA of change at all.
Trump is trump then as now.
I wonder… would trump’s famous comment that he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and not lose any voters or his refrain lock her up" or his many derogatory comments about women, the DoJ, the media, the various intelligence services fall under that same sort of reasoning? How about Stormy Daniels’ defamation suit filed today based on trump’s comment “a total con job”…is that included in that line of reasoning as well? Mr Solicitor General has much to answer methinks before he floats off to Never Never Land on his unicorn.
I had not known such a specious argument had been made in the Supreme Court so recently. Thanks for that!

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My take would be to hand out Rent-a-Sticks™ with which to smack said caged Shitgibbon

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Translation: “Unlike this moron, I know when to STFU.”

Do you honestly think P would be able to give an answer to an issue he’s never heard of and is too complex for him to digest via bullet points? If asked, he’d have said either “Thank you” and turned away or with luck “I’ll get back to you.”

Presodent Buhari should not have only asked about those two things, but rubbed tRump’s nose in it for saying those things. tRump is a coward and would have backed down.

He talked crap about China, but when he went there, he blamed the US for allowing China to continue it’s trade policies. Think about that, POTUS went to another country and criticized US policy

tRump addressed several dozen leaders of predominantly Muslim nations and didn’t once say “radical Islamic terror”, when he had FIFTY national leaders in the same room, oh, but on the campaign trail, he was running his mouth.

Maybe Buhari was trying to flatter tRump into giving him stuff?

It’s the first full paragraph on page 28 of the transcript of the oral argument.

Allice O. summarized it thusly “Francisco argued that campaign statements should not be considered at all, since they came from a “private citizen” who has not yet undergone the “fundamental transformation” of the oath of office.”

“Fundamental transformation” meaning an instant evolution into a being that is some new life form on a plane somewhere between mere mortal and a God and thus utterly above and beyond any law pertaining to ordinary garden variety humans?
Must we genuflect in trump’s presence? Grovel and seek to kiss his ring of power in order to seek redress?
I think not.
Everything I see is a man. Just a man. And a man only barely average in intelligence and ability but who thinks himself above all others due to his wealth. (I’d sure like a walk-in closet like that)…

As I said up thread… the legal argument the Solicitor General made has no logic… trump is the same guy before and after the Oath of office has been administered. And based on his past history he will keep this Oath just about as he has his other promises… legal and personal.

Electing trump is the single worst decision the American electorate has ever made. Period. Drop the mike.

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Shut his pie hole about the shit hole?