Discussion for article #235396
But, as the conflicting fates of the bobcat and hawk shows, the process isn’t always clear cut.
“It can be a little bit fickle depending on the mood of different legislators on any given day,” Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley said.
Fickle RWNJs.
Another excuse.
Another day in Wingnuttia.
“we pride ourselves on being independent thinkers who are protective of our freedoms and of our ways of life,”
THAT is why the Teatrolls didn’t start screeching and throwing their shit around like treed macaques reacting to the presence of a cheetah. The kid tickled their teabags and gave them raging ideological throbbers.
Whoever that kid is, he/she might have a future as a politician or lobbyist.
“”"“This, too, is symbolic of the people of New Hampshire in that we pride ourselves on being independent thinkers who are protective of our freedoms and of our ways of life,” he said.""""
You can’t be independent of your “independence” is premised in worn out claims of patriotism and platitudes.
“It generates a lot of controversy so I think it’s good to take a look at it.” Well kinda, these things usually generate no controversy anywhere else they happen. but I guess other places aren’t overrun with asshole legislators of this sort.
John Oliver is looking on.
“It can be a little bit fickle depending on the mood of different legislators on any given day,” Senate Majority Leader Jeb Bradley said.
No, asshole, when it’s fourth grade students trying to learn about the legislative practice, you don’t get to dismiss completely inappropriate behavior by a bunch of assholes because of their fucking “mood”.
Bobcats aren’t “wily.” They’re balls to the wall Kung Fu Theater Flying Guillotine Fists of Fury twenty pound sacks of snarling clawed crazy, is what they are. The damn things are barely bigger than a Maine Coon and take down deer, fer cripes sake and have the pleasant disposition of an amok buzzsaw. So, yeah, kind of appropriate as a state symbol for NH.
To be fair Conservatives are very insecure and sensitive creatures. That’s why then should never be put in charge of ANYTHING!