Discussion: NFL Player Live-Tweets Jury Duty Experience: 'F*ck! I'm Not The One For This'

“College Football players dont get real degree’s, don’t worry about it.”

Do they get enough education to know the difference between the plural and the possessive?


Well, he’s right about one thing, he does sound like a complete moron, too dumb to understand the instructions about not communicating with others about any case before it’s over. I hope he is charged with an offense, and that other idiots happily decide his fate. EVERYONE does jury duty, so pro athletes need to quit acting like big stars who are too good for it. They ain’t.


“They have no idea Im am double parked in a handicap spot out side this court house in a 450k car with a registered pistol. Who am I to judge”

I’ll judge: You are an asshole to take up a handicap space, and you are a boor to mention how much your car costs.


He should totally respect the justice system because it always serves his community so well!

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You’re right but I don’t know that was were this was coming from.

Well, one thing is for sure, my job is more important than stressing perfect punctuation on TPM.

Perhaps you should proof read before making a post about matters educational.

Seems like a real charmer, although I liked the pictures of the coffee and donut.

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I think most NFL players have been to good colleges and universities but they come as as uneducated as they went in.

He damn sure doesn’t seem to be respecting his “duty” or the process. His motivations may lie anywhere but I just decided throw out one that is consistently made clear to most people in this country. He may be an a-hole trying to get more time in with strippers. Who knows. But since this is still America it’s not like those strippers won’t do more to ease his suffering than that court house will.

He’s as dumb as they come and disinterested in fulfilling his civic duty He’s more interested in his expensive car and the expensive gun he left in it and parked in a handicap spot and pizza. . . and everything but Twitter. Hopefully the attorney for the accused or the prosecuting counsel will see what an ass he is.


He’ll be lucky not to land himself in jail for contempt, or at least be given a fine. This is not acceptable. Jury duty is part of civic responsibility. You can’t get out of it just because you run fast and hit hard.


I have to admit he is spouting some really ignorant (and boastful) shit there. I know it is a civic duty but I have been called for jury duty every other year since I moved to Montana; and every time I receive the summons I whine like a sissy with a skinned knee. And jury duty seems to have changed over the years, everyone reports in looking like an unmade bed, with guys even wearing t-shirts and jeans. But the idea of sitting in the jury room and tweeting endless complaints seems beyond childish.


I wonder if he knows that he could have deferred until the off-season (or is that not an option everywhere?). Maybe then this wouldn’t have been such a burden on his privileged self.

and thus my sadness…


Exactly what I was thinking.

Some football players are very intelligent men. Others…not so much.

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Two points:

  • This is wrong on so many levels, and makes a mockery of the concept of jury of your peers.
  • This is epically funny.
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That reminds me of the line I always loved in Randy Newman’s song Rednecks: “College men from LSU. Went in dumb come out dumb too.”

A useful reminder that most NFL players are, essentially, overgrown children.