Discussion for article #244074
Cue the Carly “I’m a victim” soundtrack!
The sheer depth of the G.O.P. bench continues to amaze me. Why, any one of these individuals would certainly do America proud!
Gotta say I’m enjoying the very public and excruciating ritual trivialization of Fiorina and Paul. Can’t think of two more deserving egomaniacs.
Still 6 too many, but as the field winnows, I’m hoping the sheer batshitcrazy starts to become even more visible and cause the 1 or 2 rational people remaining on the right to realize what a shittly bill of goods they have on their hands. Not that it’ll change anything.
It’s like the Games of ancient Rome, except we can’t strap meat onto Ted Cruz and let lions eat him. Too bad. Ratings would soar.
We need to have Livia address the gladiators before the bout. “You’re all scum, and you know it.” (I, Claudius)
Both Fiorina and Paul have had to use that soundtrack to get on/stay on the debate stage. And given the RNC has caved in both cases, why wouldn’t they try it again?
If however, they do demote Fiorina, my guess is she exits the race entirely. Her campaign relies too heavily on Cruz and Rubio’s sugar daddies, and her only reason for being on the stage is as a token female.
She has gotten to, or is extremely close, to the point where she is more irritating than useful to the GOP.
Likewise, but with a less probability, I could see Paul exit the race after a demotion and focus on his Kentucky Senate run. His race isn’t going anywhere, he isn’t able to draw upon the same support his father had, and, while I personally like him on the main stage if only to present contrary points to rest of the candidates, those same points are a real turn off to the GOP base.
I see Kasich sticking around through NH,but closing up shop soon after that.
I can. Cruz and donald.
Carson won’t be there much longer. The race is coming down to Trump, Cruz and some unnamed Establishment candidate (Rubio,JEB, Christie…it looks like Kasich is being written off). NH should determine the unnamed candidate, but I am leaning more and more towards it not.
Rubio should be the clear front runner in that lane, but his campaign organization is abysmal. Its like he isn’t even trying to actually run. And he may not be. I am seeing it as very possible that Rubio got into this as a possible VP and to increase his name recognition…but is really playing for the “next in line” position for 2020.
Which leaves us…JEB and Christie. Christie is going in big in NH, but is going to suffer massively afterwards…as he has no money or network in SC, NV and beyond.
That leaves us JEB, who is basically looking like he is just going to weather the losses and outlast rest of the establishment candidates…and still come in 3rd place behind Trump and Cruz.
And that’s when talk of a brokered convention gets interesting. Because the Bush campaign is EXACTLY the people to attempt that route. Rejecting the will of their party to get the nomination? They freaking rejected the will of the nation to steal the White House!!. A party nomination is child’s play to them.
Come on, let’s get down to the inevitable endgame, for politics and entertainment ratings–a debate with just Trump on the stage. It would be huge!
Nope, they’re going to parachute Willard and his dancing horse in at the last minute.
And incredibly classy!
I actually did a double take when I read the article. I was thinking, “Carson? Is he still around?”
His victim card will be a real winner.
He made a speech yesterday about how “tough” he is (the perception being that he is “too nice” and not tough enough).
He referred to all the honorary degrees he has received to show how tough he is.
Because to the GOP base, nothing says toughness like college degrees, amirite??
He is done. His campaign finances have moved into the underwater area now…he spent much more than he took in last quarter, and what he took in was way less than the target. That will only get uglier for him going forward.
He may not even make it to Iowa at this point. Candy may step in and remind him that the entire reason for this was to MAKE money not lose it.
Your laugh for the day,The Guv may make the cut I see.So on with that laugh:
“TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie
says it isn’t the Bridgegate scandal that’s kept New Hampshire voters
from making him the 2016 Republican presidential front-runner, but shows
like “The Sopranos” and “Jersey Shore.”
Appearing on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper” on Tuesday afternoon,
the New Jersey governor was asked about a question posed by a man at a
Monday town hall meeting in New London, N.H.”
Even I despise Paul on every other issue-- he deserves some credit as the only GOP candidate arguing against more military adventures.
I understand what you’re saying but think about what that means: that they’d be willing to elevate someone to the top of the ticket who only has single digit support in his own party. And that’s taking into account his huge name recognition! How could the GOP establishment think that JEB could pole vault to the WH with no Dem support, little to no GOP support and some Independent support? It would be pretty surreal. (As this whole situation has been).
You’d definitely start getting more Democrats to watch!
He won’t at that point, assuming this scenario plays out. Rubio, Christie, Kasich will all be gone and their voters will be backing JEB, however reluctantly. The “fall in line” meme will kick in on the Establishment side. He would have between 25-30% of the delegates, with Trump and Cruz splitting the rest.
I actually don’t think the brokered convention scenario is likely. But, the Powers That Be within the GOP are not comfortable with either Cruz and especially Trump. It would be a damage control situation, focused more on what happens down ticket, then on winning the White House.
Trump in particular is a huge problem, not because he would do so poorly in a general election, but because he blows up the Movement Conservative entirely. Nobody has a clue where he is on any aspect of that decades long agenda. He has MAJOR flip flops on abortion, gun control, health care and tax policy. And would be an absolute disaster in the foreign arena.
That’s just too high a risk for the GOP to just sit idly by and let him win the nomination without fighting tooth and nail.