Discussion: Newt Gingrich On Possibly Becoming Speaker Again: 'I Am Very Prepared'

Discussion for article #241707

Oh please, Baby Jesus, I donā€™t ask for much, but please make Newt Gingrich the Speaker of the House again. Thank you, Oh also, Baby Jesus, please have Sarah Palin decide to get in the 2016 race too. Thank you. Amen.

  1. ā€œIā€™m not a natural leader. Iā€™m too intellectual; Iā€™m too abstract; I think too much.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, admitting that heā€™s an intellectual elite incapable of leading.

  2. ā€œIf the Soviet empire still existed, Iā€™d be terrified. The fact is, we can afford a fairly ignorant presidency now.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, saying that itā€™s okay for the President to be ignorant.

  3. ā€œThe idea that a congressman would be tainted by accepting money from private industry or private sources is essentially a socialist argument.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, arguing that itā€™s okay for politicians to be bought and paid for.

  4. ā€œGive the park police more ammo.ā€ ~Newt Gingrich, responding to a reporter who asked what to do about the homeless a few days after the police shot a homeless man in front of the White House.

  5. ā€œThe problem isnā€™t too little money in political campaigns, but not enough.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich on campaign finance reform.

  6. ā€œI have enormous personal ambition. I want to shift the entire planet. And Iā€™m doing it. I am now a famous person. I represent real power.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, blowing his own horn.

  7. ā€œGingrich ā€“ Primary mission, Advocate of civilization, Definer of civilization, Teacher of the rules of civilization, Leader of the civilizing forces.ā€
    ~ Newt Gingrich, blowing his own horn.

  8. ā€œThe most serious, systematic revolutionary of modern times.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, blowing his own horn.

  9. ā€œIt doesnā€™t matter what I do. People need to hear what I have to say. Thereā€™s no one else who can say what I can say. It doesnā€™t matter what I live.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, saying we should do as he says, regardless of what he actually does.

  10. ā€œThis is one of the great tragedies of the Bush administration. The more successful theyā€™ve been at intercepting and stopping bad guys, the less proof there is that weā€™re in dangerā€¦. Itā€™s almost like they should every once in a while have allowed an attack to get through just to remind us.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, at a book talk in Huntington, NY, April 2008, saying that Republicans should allow terrorist attacks on American soil to remind us of the dangers in the world.

  11. ā€œNow, we donā€™t get rid of it in round one because we donā€™t think that thatā€™s politically smart, and we donā€™t think thatā€™s the right way to go through a transition. But we believe itā€™s going to wither on the vine because we think people are voluntarily going to leave it ā€” voluntarily.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, admitting that while they wonā€™t kill Medicare outright, Republicans will try to make it wither on the vine and die.

  12. ā€œShe isnā€™t young enough or pretty enough to be the Presidentā€™s wife.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, talking about his first wife after divorcing her.

  13. ā€œI read Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them and I found frightening pieces that related toā€¦my own life.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, talking about his problems with women.

  14. ā€œIt is tragic what we do in the poorest neighborhoods, entrapping children in child laws which are truly stupidā€¦These schools should get rid of unionized janitors, have one master janitor, pay local students to take care of the school.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, advocating for an end to child labor laws so businesses can fire union workers and replace them with cheap labor.

  15. ā€œWe should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich. Two years later, Gingrich unveils a new Spanish-language website, The Americano.

  16. ā€œThe left-wing Democrats will represent the party of total hedonism, total exhibitionism, total bizarreness, total weirdness, and the total right to cripple innocent people in the name of letting hooligans loose.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, smearing Democrats when in fact itā€™s Republicans who want to cripple innocent people. Remember when they cheered for letting a man without health insurance die? And speaking of exhibitionism and bizarreness, have you seen the Republican Presidential field?

  17. ā€œThese people are sick. They are so consumed by their own power, by a Mussolini-like ego, that their willingness to run over normal human beings and to destroy honest institutions is unending.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, once again smearing Democrats, but telling the complete truth about himself and the GOP. Republicans want to kill Medicare and Social Security, the EPA, and several other honest institutions that serve normal human beings. Speaking of running over normal human beings, remember when Republicans cheered for letting a man without health insurance die?

  18. ā€œI think one of the great problems we have in the Republican party is that we donā€™t encourage you to be nasty. We encourage you to be neat, obedient, and loyal and faithful and all those Boy Scout words.ā€
    ~Newt Gingrich, advocating for hateful rhetoric and smearing opponents with lies.


The mere fact that this guy is announcing his readiness for the job while comparing himself to George Washington shows that there is a serious malignancy in the country.


Dear GOTP House members?

Keep digging.


If that happens I think we seriously need to reassess the presidential line of succession as he will be right after the VP.


Did he just compare himself to George Washington? Hahahahaha! Fucking ridiculous.


Newtā€™s a well paid lobbyist at Dentons. Iā€™m not sure why heā€™d want this job.

Well, I think heā€™s lacking the lack of leadership experience required by the Brat Caucusā€¦but maybe not.

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Very true. Were the Grinch to be ā€œelectedā€ to Speaker of the House by the Repugs caucus and then something were to happen to POTUS and VPOTUS, Grinch would then become POTUS by political fiat. A very dangerous situation roughly equivalent to a coup.


Why, Love of Country, of course. Isnā€™t that how he explained his getting blown by his neighborā€™s wife while parked in front of their house?


Hey, why not!
Then we can be treated to the spectacle of Newt Gingrich being the ONLY Speaker of the House ever to be FORCED TO RESIGN TWICE.
Because you KNOW that is what will happen once he gets his grifter hands on the levers of power.
He just canā€™t help himself.
Probably end up being divorced by the current wife while trolling for number 4 too!


Heā€™s already got a mistress lined up for round 2?

Oh, pshah, Steve. These are a few isolated statements taken out of context.

Newt Gingrich has already been declared by every real historian (except for the ultra-left-liberal America haters) as the greatest statesman and thinker ever in Godā€™s favorite country. Also, he would have won several Nobel Prizes for writing if those communists werenā€™t prejudiced against Republicans.


is it wrong of me to think that the real reason Newt would like another stab at Speaker is that heā€™s tired of the hair helmet heā€™s married to and needs to look around for a new one?

Not only his readiness:

Gingrich and his wife Callista said that both of them support his return to the speakership if they ā€œare called to duty in any way.ā€

Didnā€™t hearing anyone calling Callie to duty.


Newt Gingrich On Possibly Becoming Speaker Again: ā€˜I Am Very Preparedā€™

Newt continued:
"Iā€™ve been working out and am already in an adulterous affair with a future-wife. Iā€™m good to go!ā€™



An ego larger than The Rotunda?


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Newt should be well prepared, marinated for 24 hours, and roasted over a slow fire.