Discussion for article #233436
A Hillary candidacy would be great news for Newsmax’s bottom line.
Think of all the clicks from HillaryGhazi -headlined stories.
Not to mention all the Russian Reset buttons and pantsuit wearing Hillary bobbleheads they could sell on their website.
Yep. It’a all about the bottom line for Republicans. Show me the money!
Newsmax is pretty much Breitbart.com on stupid pills.
Disingenuous praise. This fellow and his cronies are counting on her being the nominee and are investing millions in opposition research. There is an article about this industry in The Atlantic today.
Though they may want to retire the Hillary nutcrackers if they want to boost their female vote share; but I doubt they’ll be able to stop themselves…
But the nutcrackers are a big seller with the guys.
Not in my experience.