Which was inevitable, all launched by the Big Bang…
Tell me, who is the best practitioner of bothsiderism?
Well, two journalists and Chuck Todd . . .
I don’t think it is an individual as much as a format. Its a tie between Sunday morning shows (thought they lean more GOP than bothsides) and CNN with their pro wrestlin’ crew of commentators.
Todd saying he doesn’t know who Cuomo is smacks of the same kind of bullshit that makes the dotard say he doesn’t know what Wickileaks is.
Maybe he’s too busy watching himself to check out the other channels…
This small-b brouhaha is no more than three clownish entertainers (certainly not journalists) having a cat fight to see who is the most important errand boy working for grocery clerks. Pathetic. Overpaid and underworked, every one of them.
Honestly, I would be happy if all three of them moved to, say, Quito, and fought this out on Ecuadoran television. I don’t care for any of them, each for different reasons too mundane to go into here.
I have no idea why NBC chose CHUCKIE to take RUSSERT’s place when RUSSERT died… TODD is probably the wussiest talking head on TV…I cannot listen to or watch him…I even watch WOLF rather than TODD.
This is the pettiest distraction from what’s wrong with out news media today.
Last night NBC News ran a story that basically just continued the attack against Omar (under the ‘reporting the controversy’ banner). The story they ran assumed the narrative that she ‘dismissed’ 9/11 and didn’t show the full context of her quote, they even showed the Post’s image and headline for a while. They ran the partial quote that the right wing media is pushing, and then labeled her the ‘controversial muslim’ while rehashing Pelosi’s out of context charge against her to push the ‘liberals even think she’s a bigoted muslim angle’ and gave much more time to victims ‘outraged’ parents than anyone who defended her (only one soundbite was allowed actually).
We shouldn’t get distracted by media personalities cat fighting. We also can’t just settle for believing our media’s problem is just with “Murdoch’s media empire” the entire MSM right now is parroting right-wing talking points uncritically and accepting a right-wing worldview as the default.
“Why are Chris Cuomo and Chuck Todd Beefing Over Jake Tapper?”
And who gives a damn?
They’re the news readers, not the news makers. Why so much fuss over so little?
Got rid of cable years ago. None of my money going to FOX, don’t miss it at all. Spending entertainment $$$'s on live performances and cinema.
The truth hurts.
The Toddler seems a little defensive his own self. He got in way over his head when he left his little gig on C-Span all those years ago.
I loathe Chuck Todd and how he’s demeaned a venerable news show like MTP. I’m old enough to remember Gabe Pressman and the gravitas that he brought to his guest host gigs on MTP. Todd isn’t worthy enough to carry Pressman’s shoes to the corner shine stand. Todd is to journalism as a marching band is to Mozart.
My $$$ and time are spent reading books about the Civil War.
Around my friends, Todd, if he is mentioned ar all, is called Mr Softball.
I;m old enough to remember Lawrence Spivak and the rotating group of actual print journalists who took turns questioning the chosen guest each week.
I did not think I had the ability to loathe Chuck Todd any more than I did…And then I read your post.