Discussion: New York To Hand Over Most Voter Data To Bogus 'Election Integrity' Panel


Cuomo - tim to fire some folks!!
I am SO ashamed to be a New Yorker right now.


It’s time NYC, Nassau and Westchester County secede from NYS!


From the linked article, I sure hope there’s a reciprocal FOIA request made to the bogus “election integrity” panel so we know exactly what they’re doing with our private information.

John Conklin, a spokesman for the Board of Elections, said that the Board had received a Freedom of Information Law request for the information from the Trump commission last Friday. Because it was specified that the data would be used for an “elections purpose,” there was no other possible exemption under FOIL that could be used by the Board to deny the commission the public information. The data, which is being sent to the Trump commission Wednesday afternoon, will not include either social security or drivers license numbers, Conklin said.

My highlight, but I have no doubt Kansan Kris Kobach will use that information for election purposes, specifically voter suppression purposes.


If you read the local press this doesn’t come across as that terrible. The BoE received an FOI for the info and had little options but to comply. They determined the SS data was not subject to FOI disclosure and denied that. But it’s NY. It’s not a swing state and there is little the GOP can there can do with the information Kobach will inevitably give them.


Wow. I’m practically speechless. What’s up with that??? Who the fuck is on that election commission? I can’t believe that they’d be willing to do that without conclusive assurances that the information will be provably secured from identity theft. Not even a fight in protecting people’s privacy in the public interest? I’d tar and feather those morons. RealIy.

I anticipate Kobach ‘accidentally’ finding all the info he’s gathered, hacked from his computer system, after some idiot clicks on some malware link, exposing everyone’s data to the world…but most likely some Republican data base to manipulate the next election. Or, some low-level fool working with him to take home the data base home on his computer. I wouldn’t trust these people as far as I could throw them.


How is this even possible NY?


a. Glad I don’t live in New York.

b. How do they clean house at the Board of Elections?


“Kobach issued a request to states for their voter roll data, as well as information on voter fraud and election security.”

This just shows that the GOP is totally unserious about making government smaller and more efficient.

If they really cared about saving tax dollars, they’d just ask the states to email the data directly to Cozy Bear.


For years, any hint of a “national registry” of anything from handgun ownership to a national ID card was met with scorn by Republicans. Now this? A national “voter database?” Where are the Ayn Rand and Libertarian Republicans now? Where’s Rand Paul???


Agreed, brutus1910. I’m curious to know who decided to share data with an illegitimate group? Russia has surely sent flowers and chocolates to Kobach for this kind act.


Nah…Kobach already said they would destroy the data after using it for their “studies.” In other words, they’ll cook up bogus conclusions that voter fraud is a massive, widespread, every-election type problem and nobody will be able to check them on it or reproduce the data set in order to verify if anything they’re saying is even remotely true. It’ll be a giant shell game of “believe this at face value” and 50% of the country will go right along with it because Murikkka and the pile of wet, smoldering ashes we call our Fourth Estate.

Hans von Spakovsky in particular is famous for misrepresenting data on voting to reach his intended conclusions and that’s why he’s on this board:


http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/01/25/john-fund-and-hans-von-spakovsky-why-trumps-probe-voter-fraud-is-long-overdue.html (note that they’re already convinced that voter fraud is a problem and that this is just a mater of quantifying it for them…and that most of it is based on the very different and somewhat unrelated data about voter registrations)

It goes on and on and on with this guy. He even fucking looks like he came out of Nazi central casting.

It all comes down to one thing and one thing only for the GOP/Teatrolls: Global Browning.


New York To Hand Over Most Voter Data To Bogus ‘Election Integrity’ Panel



What’s most disturbing here is that NY is high on the short list of states, i.e., the “liberal” ones, that KKKobach and von Spakovsky intend to claim are so overwhelmingly littered with voter fraud that their federal elections results cannot be trusted or verified and that Congress should consider federal interference in their processes and perhaps even a suspension of their ability to participate in elections…or some such nonsense. Point being, if you don’t understand that this is going to be used to target blue states for gross hyperbolic mischaracterizations of the level of voter fraud they experience, while simultaneously attempting to legitimize and validate the draconian voter suppression laws implemented in places like TX and NC, then you need your fucking head examined. These people are like Ned Stark placing his head on the block before Joffrey even surprises everyone with the call for his decapitation.

Sorry…season 7 kicked the obsession into high gear again…


Why cooperate? The Donald will soon be gone and this bogus panel as well.


They only hate big government when it actually helps people otherwise, they are all for it


Thanks, Andrew. You’ve shown your true colors once again. I did not vote for you last time and that will not change in future.


Why is ANYBODY cooperating with this skunk on ANYTHING?


Fuckers. Upstate wingnuts are responsible for this.

I am NOT going to take this lying down.


Yeah, but now my information isn’t secure - I don’t trust these stupid fuckers for an instant.