Discussion: New York State Opens Tax Probe Into Trump Foundation

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The White House says the lawsuit is politically motivated.

No, just politically fueled. We want your ass gone!



Sorry, just had to pick myself up off from the floor, there.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


Can Trump & Co. out Stockman,Stockman?

Christ what’s up with Eric? If that dude doesn’t have a collection of lampshades made out of human skin then I’m Santa Claus.


Great news! Now we get to see the GOP’s projection for all their hatred of the Clinton Foundation and we get to find out a small portion of how breathtakingly corrupt the Trump family is.


Well, its about time!


McConnell & Ryan protecting Trump is also politically motivated.


Tick, tock, motherfuckers. And the best part? No pardon available here.

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If evidence of alleged crimes is found, the matter could be referred to prosecutors, who could seek the release of Trump’s tax returns .

About damn time.

The White House says the lawsuit is politically motivated.

Who cares what the White House says. It is an erupting volcano of lies and bullshit.

Journalists already reported a number of instances where foundation money was used for Trumpp or Trumpp Inc. expenses. Clearly, the Foundation didn’t really give a shit about following the law. There will be more ugliness on the books. And, because misuse of foundation money has tax consequences, going after the tax returns is completely legitimate.


His character on Our Cartoon President is glorious in his drooling idiocy:


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Trump: Our democracy is being trashed. KGB needs to look into NY State and monitor their emails!!

“The White House says the lawsuit is politically motivated.”
No, the 25 g’s paid to Pam Bondi’s re-election campaign out of the Trump Foundation was politically motivated.

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I think it’s time for the Trumps to begin to familiarize themselves with the myth of Icarus.

off the coast
there was
a splash quite unnoticed
this was
Icarus drowning