Discussion: New York Post Blares Dallas Police Killings Set Off 'CIVIL WAR'

To say the raggyass POS Post is a muckraker is insulting to muckrakers. Vile x 3.


Yup, we are living inside the insane asylum in the twilight zone of the outer limits, that is America. The New York Post is the official news letter and Fox News, itā€™s public access channel.


This is exactly what the terrorist organization, The NRA, has been hoping for all along. The fact that itā€™s happening after back to back murders of two second amendment gun toting black men shows what the NRA really wants in this debate on guns. I always knew that it would take something like this Dallas incident to finally draw attention to the NRAā€™s racial motivations. Now, once again, nothing will happen in congress.


Memo to the editorial board, NY Post:

Youā€™re not helping, so knock it off.



Yep, in the ā€œMirror Universe,ā€ the putrid Post is the rag of record. I tend toward absolute freedom of the press but this almost ā€œIncitement to Riot.ā€


I donā€™t know, I canā€™t quite put my finger on it, but I think there might be something slightly wrong with the New York Post.


ā€¦ And also, fuck you and the soy-based ink vendor you use to print your rag and the photons on your website.


Asking for responsibility in the news media, especially a rag the NYP, is pretty much like hoping for a unicorn.

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This guy has a radio show. As does Michael Savage, Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and others similary inclined to foment more hate and violence.

This won't work anymore.

<img src="/uploads/default/original/3X/9/0/90b55d8e9fb1151d39db1a8067a516b40da95e07.png" width="269" height="178">

And itā€™s only 8:53am and Iā€™ve already had my fill of news for the day. Time to step away from the internet and do something constructiveā€¦

Of maybe I just need to save my strength for the Republican Convention coverage.


Imagine the headlines they decided NOT to use. No. 1: Kill the N******.

ā€œWatch out Obama?ā€ Does Mr. Walsh need a chat with the Secret Service? I think he does.


ā€œReal America.ā€

i.e., white people.

But of course, Iā€™m the racist for pointing that out.

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Donā€™t get too far removed from your phone or other news inputs. Youā€™ll miss out on the 10am, noon, 3pm, 6pm and prime time massacres.


Shameful, shameful, shameful.

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In another post this morning I pointed out the part the media has played in this whole race vs. cops scenario. This headline and this Murdoch owned piece of bird cage liner paper are perfect examples of it. Thankfully, I do not own birds, so I will use it to pick up after my dogs, which is about all this paper is good for. Unfortunately, the kinds of people who want a race war are the kinds that read this rag and listen to FOX News. I wonder when Mr. Murdoch will be satisfied with the destruction of this nation - when he dies or when someone takes him hostage to get the NRA and FOX to close up as the ransom to be paid.

As for Joe Walsh - the man should be arrested, held indefinitely as an enemy combatant, and be forced to listen to his own rants 24/7 until he kills himself just to stop the insanity. This man is nothing but an idiot - and always has been, but unfortunately far too many people think he is smart and actually believe him. Just what a civil war needs, a cheerleader! Heaven help us, because at this point, I am not sure that even Heaven will be of much help and no one else will be.


Amen, within 5 minutes Iā€™m off and have my nose buried in a book for the dayā€¦


Probably upwards of 40%>50% of your fellow citizens.


They have no intention of ā€˜Helpingā€™ in the manner that you have in mind ā€¦ They ARE helping THEIR OWN AGENDA - they would be ecstatic to be able to cover white vs black bloodshed / violence/ gunfire / death and dismemberment 24/7 ā€¦ The New York Post is flat out pandering to that portion of the population that would practically get sexually aroused at the idea of engaging in rampant ā€˜ethnic cleansingā€™ of the entire country to reshape it into a 1950ā€™s white fantasy land.